World Hunger

By: Sheridan Traish

stomachs are growling

children are crying out for help

in households everywhere food is being thrown away

while children are struggling to move or speak

soft words are spoken, to remind

but everything is fine when our stomachs are filled

we take that for granted

why can’t we go and help, not just sit still

we cry when we haven’t eaten for seconds

but they haven’t eaten for days

we won’t ever get the feeling of having our stomachs ripped out

so we try to ignore

let it never cross our mind

that is world hunger

Wall of Snakes

By: Aarnav Tale

There once lived Billy the Snake,

He lived in the land of Snake Lake.

He ruled over every single snake,

And all of the large lake.


One day, he got a bad report,

The spiders crossed into their border.

He bit back a retort,

Because the time of the spiders was over.


He bellowed orders for a wall to be built,

And to make sure that it didn’t tilt.

Eventually the wall was built,

And the snakes began to wilt.


They started to scream and shout,

They were like a broken water spout.

Disfunctional and clouded.

But then, one snake began to revolt.


He led the others onto Billy the Snake,

And took over other parts of the lake.

Then, Billy the Snake disappeared like a cloud of mist.

Flight 2004

by Julian Yi

my plane starts to move

and suddenly i start to see

as i fly into the skies of curiosity

i see the other planes


we’ve been through crackling thunderstorms

but that did not stop us from flying

as dozens and dozens of years go by i find who i am

while the others keep soaring


my plane starts to lose power

i knew it was time

i start crashing down with my passengers

as i grasp my hands onto my seat, i cease to exist.


Harrison Nordstrom – Waiting

The tapping of pencils against plastic desks.

Fidgeting feet against the cool concrete floor.

A murky sky, threatening rain on this day of celebration,

just visible through the small round window.

The “zzzzt” of jackets on the backs of some of us.

Squeaky desks cutting past the Ac’s deep rumble.

A sense of anxiousness becoming more apperatant.

We didn’t speak, afraid of the teachers glare on the back of our heads.

All eyes on the door, waiting for freedom.

Screeching bells alarmed freeing us into Summer.


Quarrelsome Brothers

By:James Whipp

The little boy had been standing silently beheind his older brother

Planning his attack

He spoted his brother’s vulnerable neck

he went for it

giving his brother a mightey slap, square on his neck, sure that it would defeat him

The brother retailiated, BOOM! punching him in the arm

He punched his brother again, this time faster and harder

A flash went through the boy’s body

he couldnt take another blow

he gave up.

The Roller Coaster

By: Haley Wulff



The sun shone on a warm spring morning

As the sun began to rise,

The light reflected onto the tall, giant

humongous pieces of metal

Screams of anxious children filled

the funnel-cake scented air

Lines to reach the monstrous giants

whirled around, and passed the already laid ropes

It’s been hours

surrounded by hungry, cranky, tired, adventures

Soon it was my turn to step in and face the beast

“click, click, click”

I was locked in

and I went woosh down the first steep hill


Almost There

By: Stephen Davis


Boys were dropping Tilted Towers

Everyone else, we devour

On my way to the circle

Oh look! There’s a gun, and its purple

I start to aim my gun

I’m going to die, the glare of the deathly sun

Down to my fingertips, I start sweating

My friends, start betting

I’m down to the final four

My sweat is really starting to pour like a waterfall

I see a no skin

I start to build

I then fell, and I was killed

I was close enough to taste the victory

But the person killed me with no mercy

How it happened was building my base

Then it got shot down, and that’s when I got second place.

A Peaceful Place

by: Lia Krall

The bright sun gently kissed my cheeks

While the summer breeze brushed past me

Not a single cloud in the sky

My hand sunk down into the scorching sand

While my skin shone a nice tan


The ocean waves made thundering sounds

That put me to sleep

While kids shouted and splashed in the glimmering sea

The waves never stopped a continuous motion

Crashing down, pulling in, crashing down, pulling in

It made my eyes heavy

Slowly, I drifted away into a deep slumber

Thunder and Lightning

By:Austin Sullivan

Hear the crackle of thunder through the night.

See the flash of lightning across your windows.

Listen to the storm as it tells a story.

A story about disaster and destruction but also beauty and gracefulness.

The boom of thunder echoes across your house as if your feet pounding in race.

Lightning flashing across your neighborhood is adrenaline coursing through your veins.

The climax of the storm strikes!

The sound shakes your whole house and rumbles through your hallways.

Your eyes, wide open, not able to close because of the devastating sound.

As the storm settles, you realize something, something exciting, almost electrifying.

Ode to Garlic Bread

By: Maria Alexeenko

Garlic Bread

The best thing since sliced bread.

Nothing can go wrong with it.

The crispy, buttery goodness

With the perfect amount of garlic.

From Olive Garden to home made,

Sourdough, baguette, brioche, and breadsticks.

Golden as the sun,

Fluffy like a cloud,

With an aroma of happiness,

It reigns supreme over all other breads.

Though there is a plague of counterfeit garlic bread.

Full of monoglycerides and cheap garlic powder,

The authentic breed continues to rise to the top.

Enjoyed all over the world,

Different variations constantly being passed down

Inspiring other garlic-themed dishes,

It’s the iconic legend of Italian cuisine.


Never heard of them.

Garlic bread is the backbone of my love for baked goods.



1: I chose to write an ode.

2: I chose garlic bread as the subject of my ode because I didn’t want to write something that seemed cliche. When it comes to expressing myself, humor is the outlet that I lean towards to the most. Garlic bread, and baked goods in general are things that I’m passionate about, so I chose to shed some light among the what I consider a highlight of baked cuisine while also using my sense of humor to my advantage.

3: My poem has a tone of passion and humor.

4: The theme of my ode is garlic bread and my appreciation for it.


  1. Quote the figurative language: “It’s the iconic legend of Italian cuisine”
  2. Type of figurative language: Metaphor
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: With the use of vocabulary included (“iconic legend”) expresses my passion for garlic bread.


  1. Quote the figurative language: “Fluffy as a cloud”
  2. Type of figurative language: Simile
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: This simile illustrates the texture of garlic bread, providing the reader with a sensory experience.


Revision #1: Changed “Golden like the sun” to “Golden as the sun”

Explanation: With the line after saying “Fluffy like a cloud” it would’ve been repetitive.


Revision #2: Changed “Full of monoglycerides and old garlic” to “ Full of monoglycerides and cheap garlic powder”

Explanation: “Old garlic” didn’t use vocabulary to its most potential.

7: For me, it was easy to write this poem because it incorporated something that I’m already familar with.

8: I’m very satisfied with my final draft because it met all the expectations and I wanted to keep the poem humorous.