
By: Sydney Munsell

I stand alone in a vast sea of people

A dark gray cloud haunts me

I hear the distant sound of thunder

But when I look around it’s sunny

The people around me smile and talk

But I can’t seem to escape my own thoughts

I feel one drop, two drops

And then it begins to pour

The water seeps into the dry and dusty ground

My shirt, soaked

My hair fragile and stringy

Lightning flashes before my eyes

In panic, I look for shelter, but I see everyone is dry

Girls shiny hair still in luscious curls

Guys shirts flutter in the wind

Then the rain stops roaring

It slows to the sound of small waves crashing on the shore

I ask why I stand alone in this storm

Then when I look up expecting to see the sun

I see a dark gray cloud that haunts me


The Easy Dub

By:Brayden Strait

Dropping Big Factories aka Yonder Yards.

Finding two blue pumps my mouth watered.

I took the pumps to wipe a squad.

Easy bangers I said.

I pushed big chairs killing 3.

All of them spectated me.

One of them dropping me a purple famas.

Then I heard shots from my right I looked there spotting a Jonathan Winkelstein.

Pressing F I pulled out my bolt.

I hit a heady, that makes a squad.

Then I found someone to push he was a noob. He was still better than dank.

My team didn’t come with me.

They ended up getting wiped leaving the game in my hands.

As I pushed up the hill the team was on I arrived realizing that they had highground.

So I showed them why they call me BingBong7.

I double pumped the whole squad.

Sitting at 12 kills there’s five people left.

From the corner of my eye I see them.

I push to kill them. I’m quickly stopped by 3 scars teamshotting the last on peeks I snipe him in the head as I fall back.

One drops from the base to help their teammate I knock him with my famas.

As I push the last two I find them down with the rest trying to revive I one shot both of them finishing the game with 16 kills.

I tell my teammates my back hurts just before the Victory Royale appears.

As we get back into the lobby I read you have been removed from the squad.

Online addiction

By: Mark Wroniewicz

Wasting hours at a time

Being oblivious to friends and family

Spending money like its energy

Neglecting basic needs everyday 

Eyes craving rest

Only thinking of the next level

For what?

A skin?

A level?

A challenge?

What do you get from all this wasted time?

An addiction

An addiction to staying online





Questions Responses
  1. Which poem type did you publish?
I published an Inspired by poem.
  1. Answer the ONE question that goes with your poem type:
    1. Emotion Poem: Why did you choose this emotion?
    2. Sensory detail Poem: Why did you choose this event as the basis for your poem?
    3. Inspired by poem: What was the source of your inspiration (poem, song, issue)? Why?
    4. Nature/environment poem: Why did you choose this environment?
    5. Allegory: What is the literal meaning (story)? What is the figurative meaning?
    6. Ode: Why did you choose the subject of your ode?
The inspiration for my poem was online and video game addiction because it is becoming a big issue with teens.
  1. What is the tone of your poem?
The tone for my poem is demeaning.
  1. What is the theme of your poem?
The theme of my poem is digital addiction.
  1. Choose TWO examples of figurative language in the poem.
  1. Quote the figurative language: Eyes craving rest
  2. Type of figurative language: personification
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: it shows that the person will stay up all night to be on their technology.
  1. Quote the figurative language: neglecting basic needs every day
  2. Type of figurative language: hyperbole
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: this shows that they are willing to go hours without eating or sleeping to beat a level or complete a challenge. 
  1. What are two specific ways you revised this poem? (Example: “I changed “happy” to “content.”) Why did you make these revisions?
Revision #1: i changed “ignoring” to “being oblivious”

Explanation: I did this to add more emphasis on being isolated.

Revision #2:Instead of using “wanting” i used “Craving”

Explanation: I did this to use elevated language.

  1. How easy or difficult was it to write this poem? Why?
This poem was easy to think of but difficult to create figurative language and impactful lines.
  1. How satisfied are you with your final draft? Explain.
I am very satisfied with my final draft because I worked hard on this and it represents the topic well.




By Reese Spicer


Abruptly, I sit up with watery eyes,

Awakened from the “bum bum” of my pounding heart.

It sounds like a drum on a steady beat,

Getting louder and louder till it’s inches from my ears.


That’s all that can be heard over the uneasy silence

Crowding the air like fog on a cold autumn night.

And the well lit room suddenly looks as though its never seen light.

The monocolor of an old 1910’s film.


I move my legs slowly,

One tug at a time.

The feel of my skin is stiff, almost rubbery,

From the fear of what awaits me.


Suddenly, getting out of bed feels like the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

The sound of children’s laughter enuglfs me,

Like a chuckle from the villian in a horror movie.

But instead of joy I feel pain.


I stumble down my stair dragging my bricks with me.

I smeel eggs and bacon

Arriving from the kitchen.

Fresh and delightful, unlike how I’m feeling.


I stand at my door taking slow, steady breathes.

And now it’s time.

Everything stops and all I feel is my mask,

Glued on as permanant as the hair on your head.


And here the war begins

The Wanted Assassin

By: Timothy Pham


The sound of leaves crunching beneath their feet

Unknown to the bounty hunters, they were the hunted

The trees with their barren branches, still as the wind

Leaping from branch to branch silently, the assassin finds his vantage point

He leaps and quick as lightning, there is no longer the sound of crunching leaves

He etches his notorious initials on their broken armor, tainted with their blood

Breaking the silence, a shot rings out and echoes across the woods

Whistling as it rips through the air, it lands just nigh of the assassin’s foot

The assassin sends out his living shadow to get out of sight

A cruel laugh rings out echoing across the woods

His assailant is marked for death

The assassin appears right behind his assailant

Hatred burns in both of their eyes before the death mark finishes it’s purpose

Another initial, another corpse, another lesson

A Day In Summer

By: Vatsa Setty


The warm, humid, bright day of summer comes to a start,

Children riding their bikes and laughing happily,

The ice cream truck pulls over with its melodious jingle,

People flood the amusement parks in hope of having a joyful time,

The calm sound of the ocean’s water splashing against the surface of the beach,

The salty smell of the ocean is in the air,

Families go on vacation from one place to another,

As one door closes, another opens,

People relax beneath the palm trees, feeling the calm breeze move past,

Hoping this summer wouldn’t go fast,

Throwing a frisbee on the lawn,

Walking and strolling till its dawn,

Knowing they have to go home,

They can’t wait for more.

The Three Turtles

Michelle Stefano

three turtles mighty and strong followed a path eternities away

they traveled forever

all they wanted to know was where was the end

they had to bring water, flowers, and leaves to the king

the turtles were so hungry they could eat a cow

they were as tired as an ant running a mile

“here, here”, a turtle exclaimed

they gave the goods to the king lion

and then off they went

how accomplished they felt

we helped the king!

Annoying Girl

By: Halie Murphy

Another comment, another joke

It is if she has no filter

It is if she doesn’t care about what she is saying

She is the elephant in the room that no one will talk about

But she is all that i can think about

She will not leave me alone

She never stops talking

She is like an itch that I just can’t scratch

Her voice haunts me

It is everywhere

It’s like she is right behind me,  talking in my ear

Her voice is an alarm that I can’t turn off

She is the enemy on my own team

She makes me want to scream, but I don’t

I almost feel bad for her, then she opens her mouth

When she speaks something rushes through me making me very uncomfortable as I stare at her in disbelief

I am counting down the days until I get to say goodbye forever

Or at least until next season


Preet Singh

Close your eyes

And lay your head down

There’s no need to worry

Close your eyes

And let your dreams put you to sleep

Don’t let anything wake you from your deep slumber

Close your eyes

Your bed is a single cloud in the sky

Soft, fluffy, and comforting

Your blanket is your shield

From the unknown danger

Close your eyes

Sandy Toes & Salty Breezes

By: Sarayu Sriramoju


The hot sand between my toes,

the crashing of the waves,

the salty breeze wafts through the air,

the scorching sun shines on my body,

the humidity in the air,

many seagulls screeching,

I walk towards the big blue ocean,

the waves crash down lik a waterfall,

the water as blue as the sky,

my first time at the beach,

felt like living in a wonderland,

a summer wonderland,

at its finest.