My School

By: Sarah Zapata

It is hard to believe

That in less than a year’s time

This place will be my school

I walk through the large hallways

There are paintings on the walls

They are so colorful and bright

There are paintings of students

They are running



A sweet aroma draws my attention away from the beautifully decorated walls

It is coming from the school store…

A nice woman greets us at the door

Her smile is soft and kind

She hands us a bowl of cookies

And says, help yourself

I savored every bite of those delicious confections

When I was done

I licked the gooey, melted chocolate off of my fingers

Where is everyone going?

The gym?

The guests filed into the bleachers

And looked on expectantly

As the high-schoolers finished the last of their preparations

They’ve started…

They’re dancing!


Their movements are so graceful and free

I can feel myself moving to the lively beat of the music

I wish that I could stay here forever

But we have to leave eventually

We’re loading into the buses

To head back to the middle-school

But first, I steal one last look behind me

At that grand school not unlike a palace

It is hard to believe

That in less than a year’s time

This place will be my school

The Happiest Place On Earth

By: Elise Geller

I walk down the welcoming streets

The warm Orlando sun shines down

Children are laughing and talking

A crowd stops as a parade goes by

It smells sweet as we pass restaurants

We stand in a long line for a ride

The ride launches and I feel a huge blast of wind

There is loud music because the ride is called Rockin’ Rollercoaster

As we go around loops I hear screams

Once the ride finishes we go out to eat

The smell of food fills the air

Once our food arrives we finish it very quickly

When night falls we go to watch the fireworks


The fireworks are very bright and colorful in the night sky



Cross Country Move

Filled with fright and anxiety,

A man packed his last box

Not knowing if he would ever see the place,

He once called home

Lying in his bed,

Eyes wide open

He dreaded the trip that was to come,

At the break of dawn,

Sun shining bright,

He hopped into the truck

That sounded like a broken down car,

Waving goodbye to the place he knew so well

Off he went,

Now on the road

Trying to wrap his head around the subject

He didn’t know what was really happening,

Six days in the truck felt like a lifetime

Once he arrived,

He looked up,

Imagined the journeys that were to come,

And he let out a little smile.



By. Kadin Sint


There once was a man

Who struggled to find the right job

He had many jobs to choose from,

Each job offer different,

a different path,

a different ending,

His future depended on his choice,

Completely up to him to decide,

leaving him feeling good, or in regret and in pain,

The choice would put him in many different situations,

the good and the bad,

Completely blind, like a blindside hit, not knowing how each job would go,

In the end, the choices would make up who he was and where he ended.



Questions Responses
  1. Which poem type did you publish?
I published an Allegory poem
  1. Answer the ONE question that goes with your poem type:
    1. Emotion Poem: Why did you choose this emotion?
    2. Sensory detail Poem: Why did you choose this event as the basis for your poem?
    3. Inspired by poem: What was the source of your inspiration (poem, song, issue)? Why?
    4. Nature/environment poem: Why did you choose this environment?
    5. Allegory: What is the literal meaning (story)? What is the figurative meaning?
    6. Ode: Why did you choose the subject of your ode?
The literal meaning is that this man has many job offers to choose from, and is not sure which one to pick. The figurative meaning, is that you will have many choices in life that will put you in many different situations and define who you are.
  1. What is the tone of your poem?
The tone is indecisive.
  1. What is the theme of your poem?
The theme is that you will have many different choices in life that could be unpredictable and completely up to you to choose from.
  1. Choose TWO examples of figurative language in the poem.
  1. “Completely blind, like a blindside hit”
  2. Simile
  3. It helps the reader feel how the man is going into the situation.
  1. “His future depended on his choice,”
  2. Hyperbole
  3. It helps the reader feel how serious and important this is to the man.
  1. What are two specific ways you revised this poem? (Example: “I changed “happy” to “content.”) Why did you make these revisions?
Revision #1:

Explanation: I changed the single word “bad” to “in regret and in pain” because the word bad is not nearly descriptive as in regret and in pain

Revision #2:

Explanation:I added “like a blindside hit” because it helps show the reader how much the man knew about each situation.

  1. How easy or difficult was it to write this poem? Why?
This poem was fairly easy to write, because I had this idea in mind sense I learned about allegory poems.
  1. How satisfied are you with your final draft? Explain.
I am satisfied, because I like the flow and message of the poem.





Born into our world by Omair Islam

  • By Omair Islam

I opened my eyes to see the world I am in,

to look right into it’s eye.

To see it’s pain,

to see it’s happines,

And to hear it’s cries.


I could feel the chills crawling up my spine,

as if it was a spider crawling up it’s web.

It told me that everything wasn’t alright.

That there was more violence to come,

That there was more pollution to come,

and that there was more racism to come.

It was scared for the person I might be,


but it had hope for me.

Telling me to shine.

Telling me to the Light!

Cause even if the lights turned off,

there was a spark of light left.

An Illusion

By: Katie Tribiano

Everyday news filling peoples mouths and minds

Stories circulating the media

Posts being liked and commented on, while lives are being lost

Rumors spread like wildfire about where the next shooting will take place

Prayers being sent out, hearts being broken like twigs

We like to say that we have world peace

But that is simply an illusion

The message that the dove carries across the world and into peoples homes

Headline after headline being flipped through in the daily newspaper

Attack after attack

While people hope the next one will not affect them

Families grieving

Tears falling down their pale, white faces

Tears overflowing their eyes like a river when it rains

The feeling of loss and nervousness run through people’s minds

Hearts beating faster than ever

Maybe you will never hear the ear piercing sound of a gunshot

But it will forever be stuck in the minds of those who have experienced it

More mouths drop when another story hits the public

Ideas are discussed and allies are made, but the sickness grows

Rules are made, then broken

Reinforcements are discussed for the sake of the people

The next day the dove flies back out to carry the message


My First Performance

By: Reena Wang


It was a cold, damp, foggy day

the dampness stuck to my arms like honey

I rushed into a loud, noisy building

People were frantically running around

I reached a dressing room where I found my friend

We looked at each other both nervous and excited

I stretched and tried to stay calm,

but thoughts were racing through my head

My teacher came over and called my group to line up

I waited for the signal to head backstage

When I heard the sign,

I walked into a dark, spacious area

Distant sounds of soft and sweet music filled the air

I had butterflies in my stomach and my palms were sweaty

I rubbed my hands against my sharp, rough, sequined dress

As I went onstage,

All my worries and troubles melted away

It ended with a burst of applause that made me smile

As I walked outside, I looked up at a bright, sunny day


Fear the Future

by: Rhea Nayar

I also, worry about school shootings

Those who’ve witnessed one, see their school like a cold war

Others feel like they’ve been hit by a car a million times

We worry if we’re next

Those who’ve been injured will hear gunshots like a loud thunder


Their families cry in fear

They see a gray world

The world will forever be devastated

How can one hurt the world?

Those who’ve lost someone feel every night is being stabbed by pain

I also, worry about school shootings

Late night forest trip

I was strolling through the forest

It was late at night and I was lost

The crickets chirping thrugh the night seemed to guide me though the path

The leaves flew in the air like bats

The lights from the houses seemed dimmed like dying lightbulbs

I could not hear much, other than the insects and the breezing wind arond me

As I marched closer to my destination

I could feel my feet sink in the marshy ground

I felt a spider crawl though down my back

I screamed like a girl and rushed through the forest

When I had made it to the streets

I had been both exhausted and pained

At least my house was a street away


Dang Phung

1. Sensory Detail Poem

2.I chose this event because it was vivid in my mind, and seemed to fit the style of poem

3. It was difficult at first, but then easy because finding the topic and describing it took time, but then got easer as I got the hang of it.

4. Tone: Speculative.         Mood: Tense.

5. Theme: Avoid walking through the woods at night

6. A: ” screamed like a girl…” B: Simile. C:Shows that I was scared of the spider A: “leaves flew in the air like bats.” B: Personification C: It gives suspense and gives more meaning to the leaves in the poem

7. I revised my poem by adding more detail and changing the vocab. I did this because at first my poem was dull, and did not seem professional.

8. I am satisfied with my final draft because this shows how much work I had put into, and the effort that came with it.