By:Wyatt Singer
A tall icy hill glistening from the reflection of the sun stared down at me.
I have never seen anything more frightening in my entire life.
Me and my friends are about to head up the ski lift.
As we passed the halfway point the ice cicles shined from the trees.
When we got off at the top, the view of all the other slopes and houses and ponds looked clearer than ever.
We sat down only to hear the sound of ours and other snowboard binds clicking.
The energy in my system before going down was clearly showing to my friends.
We stands up with our snowboards knowing that the black diamond would be ahead of us in a matter of seconds.
As we started to head down the slope.
The wind picked up blowing ice and snow into my mouth with the taste of fear and nervousness.
Half way down the hill my ears were freezing to the sound of the wind pressuring my ears.
When I made it to the bottom the feeling of relief that I have conquered my first black diamond deeply cleansed my body like an ice cold bath.
Never have I ever felt more alive going down that icy white hill and I think this will be my first of many black diamonds I will conquer later on in my life.