By:Brayden Strait
Dropping Big Factories aka Yonder Yards.
Finding two blue pumps my mouth watered.
I took the pumps to wipe a squad.
Easy bangers I said.
I pushed big chairs killing 3.
All of them spectated me.
One of them dropping me a purple famas.
Then I heard shots from my right I looked there spotting a Jonathan Winkelstein.
Pressing F I pulled out my bolt.
I hit a heady, that makes a squad.
Then I found someone to push he was a noob. He was still better than dank.
My team didn’t come with me.
They ended up getting wiped leaving the game in my hands.
As I pushed up the hill the team was on I arrived realizing that they had highground.
So I showed them why they call me BingBong7.
I double pumped the whole squad.
Sitting at 12 kills there’s five people left.
From the corner of my eye I see them.
I push to kill them. I’m quickly stopped by 3 scars teamshotting the last on peeks I snipe him in the head as I fall back.
One drops from the base to help their teammate I knock him with my famas.
As I push the last two I find them down with the rest trying to revive I one shot both of them finishing the game with 16 kills.
I tell my teammates my back hurts just before the Victory Royale appears.
As we get back into the lobby I read you have been removed from the squad.