Ode to my dog Bailey

By:  Hannah Carey

Ode To My Dog Bailey


Have you ever some part of your heart was missing

If yes I have been in your shoes

I lost one of my pal

Until this angel came into my life

And brightened it up like the sun.

Going up to pet your smooth and silk fur as a ribbon.

Big gentle creature who just wanted love.

The day I could bring you home came fast as a hummingbird’s wings.

Seeing at last made my day so happy

Your tail going all over the place hitting my leg like whip hurt

But you were so how I could I say no to you

Years went by and finally you were able to sleep in my room and I was filled with so much joy because of this.

When my days are down cover over  and see if I am fine.

Looking at your dark black eyes you are filled with joy.

May seem strange but your like a sister to me.

You brighten my day when the days are dark and stormy

Like a thunderstorm.

Knowing one day you pass on I will always remember you my

Sweet, gentle, kind dog.



1. I published an ode to my dog Bailey.

2. I chose this subject for my ode because my dad does acaully do all of these things she is a dog that will come over and see if you are all right and never trained her to do that she just did that on her own.

3. The tone of this poem is happness because I am saying good things about my dog.

4. The theme of my poem is that any animal for me a dog can be your best friend.

5. “Hitting my leg like a whip.” And ” days are dark and stormy like a thunderstorm.”

6. I changed some figurative language in my poem and I did this because some of it was just me putting my thoughts down and so I had to change them.

7. It was kinda easy and hard at the same time because part of it was trying to think of thing my dog does reasons why because I don’t see much of her like I want to.

8. I pretty satisfied with my poem because I think that I chose a really good subject to write about.