Jade Ocasio
Block 4, Ehring
It feels as if everything is swallowed by darkness
Everything breaks down, falling to pieces
All of your joyfulness and happiness shatters like glass
You are a never ending thunderstorm
Not understanding why your brain is wired this way
Monsters rise from the darkness and put you under their control
Your balance of good and bad has shifted
You break down and hurt yourself to get through the emotional pain
You try to show those around you that you are happy,
But sooner or later all of your demons claw their way out
You start to feel like your soul is locked away
Depressed feelings can destroy your soul,
To where you feel nothing
These feelings take control of you and lock you away into your own hell
The depressed thoughts/feelings taking over are like a fire,
Getting worse, getting bigger by the minute
My depression is a never ending hole that is leading me to a mysterious
- The poem I decided to publish is an emotion poem.
- I chose an emotion poem because I have been diagnosed with depression and writing about it helps me get it out of my system.
- The tone of my poem is depressing.
- The theme of poem is depression can be a strong emotion that can take over your brain.
- “You start to feel like your soul is locked away” This is personification. This piece of figurative language shows how powerful depression can be. “All of your joyfulness and happiness shatters like glass” This is a simile. This piece of figurative language expresses how your happiness can disappear from you in an instant.
- I changed “covered” to “swallowed” because I thought it would have a stronger feeling to the poem. I changed “as if you are happy” to “those around you that you are happy” because it was more specific for the reader.
- This poem was really easy for me to write, because I have a really good understanding of depression.
- I am so happy with how my final draft came out, because Ipoured my heart out and expressed how depression has affected me personally.