
By: Eric Stoesser

It all started off as a sunny and partly cloudy day,
Friends and families having a fabulous day in Boston,
Before the annual marathon.
Then, Boom and a few seconds later Boom.
People start yelling and everyone goes crazy.
Then you hear sirens,
Bee doo bee doo.
Later on the news.
“Two people are the culprits,
For this horrifying incident in Boston.”
Then, that night the news says that three people died,
And many many more are hurt.

The peom I published was an inspired by poem.

The source of inspiration for my poem was terrorism. I was inspired by terrorism because it is a big problem nowadays.

The tone of my poem is saddening.

The theme of my poem is violence doesn’t solve anything.

“Bee doo bee doo,” is an example of onomatopoeia. This figurative language helps contribute to the poem by enhancing the sound of the police and all the medical personnel.

“Boom,” is an example of onomatopoeia. This figurative language helps the reader understand how big the explosion was.

My first revision was putting in the word horrifying instead of scary. I did this to deepen the meaning.

My second revision was putting in beautiful instead of good. I did this to to show how nice of a day it was before the incident.

The poem was easy for me to write because terrorism is a big deal in our time right now and I also don’t like terrorism.

I am very satisfied by my work because I did the best I could do.


By: Sona Jinson

Somewhere I lost the person I needed,

lost through the wave and the breeze.

When you find that light, but it’s out of your reach,

your plunged into darkness you were once underneath.

That life raft that you carelessly used,

is what you will lose.

Like a kite lost in the wind,

you try to reach for it but it’s lost once again.

Now you are floating adrift and you wish you were lifted,

and now you’re lost without that person.



By: Sanjana Vandanapu

Why Why Why, questions come across my mind, as I go through this  tragedy

A monstrous attitude falls beneath me as I search for hope

The hope of breakthrough from this horrible adventure

Full of irritation, I continue this journey

Tears crawl down my eyes like lava releasing from a volcano

Strained arms,

From the exhaustion of mourning

A recurring feeling that never seemed to end

The clouds were ready to share my sorrow

The path of hope become difficult to obtain

This is the destruction of faith

This is a wildfire spreading through the forests of faith, destroying our aspirations This is sadness


Rick Astley For President (Inspired By)

Written by: Jacob Vail


He’s never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give

Never gonna give

Give you up

Bright blond hair

Dancing around

He is no stranger to love

And he knows not of hate

He is Rick

And he rightfully should be…



1. I published an inspired by poem.

2. The source of my inspiration was Rick Astley’s song titled “Never Gonna Give You Up,” and I chose it because I enjoy the song and it already contains a large amount of hyperboles.

3. The tone of my poem is proud.

4. The theme of my poem is ‘Rick Astley Should Be President.’

5A. ‘Never gonna let you down’ is an example of a hyperbole, as the word never is an absolute and total word. It influences the tone and theme by providing a quote from the song, as well as being a positive sentence.

5B. ‘Bright blond hair’ is an example of imagery and alliteration, which influences the tone and theme by using a word with a positive connotation.

6A. I changed ‘will’ to ‘should’ in line 15, because it made more sense as Rick Astley becoming president wasn’t a definite thing.

6B. I changed ‘moving’ to ‘dancing in line 11, because in the music video that I took inspiration from, they were dancing, not just moving.

7. It was much more easy to write this poem than the other poems, as I could use words from the song to express my point more clearly, instead of having to come up with all of my own words.

8. I am very satisfied with my final draft, as I don’t see any words that could be improved much farther, and my point gets across very clearly.

An Ode to My Refrigerator

by Molly Kaplan


You stand like a trophy,

gleaming in the soft light from the kitchen window.

Your plain exterior nothing compared to what you hold inside.

Two doors, only two doors stand before me

and your delicious contents.

I then open the door, and am greeted with a blinding flash of white light.

My eyes barley see anything but the blurred, illuminated outlines of food.

Like small edible jewels, waiting to be consumed.

If this were heaven, I would gladly go.

My eyes finally adjust to the light, and I behold the most breathtaking sight;

drawers of food line the inside of you, completed filled.

It seemed to beckon me to take something.

This was too good to be real,

it could only have been a dream.

The Forest

By Toby McDonald.


Out in the forest,

Where the hills are alive,

And the campers roam free.

The trees loom overhead,

Showered in green,

And abundant in shade.

The overgrowth grows,

Like a carpet of green,

Nipping at the trail.

The sun and the breeze,

They felt nice in the air,

And then came the rain.

The rain started slow,

And then it got faster,

It suddenly stopped,

And all was good.


By: Bryn Varanelli

Again, for the third time this week,

I see on my phone, the same thing.


Our country is broken glass,

shattered and afriad of what comes next.


Tears and heartbreaks are shown everyday.

From just one man a family would never be the same.


And it continues, still happening day after day.

Concerning millions in our country.


But still we sit in silence, waiting for a response.

The violence never ends, always without a cause.

Two Dimensions

Two Dimensions

By: Shivani Rajagopal


It is like a mirror reflecting everything, both light and dark,

It is like a gold chalice with elaborate designs filled with poison,

Shading in a piece of art, a mix of neutral colors,

The feeling is a game of tug of war, back and forth you go,

Like clear blue skies, dominated by black clouds within seconds,

It is like every color is tinted with the slightest bit of gray,

It is a beautiful exotic environment invaded by roaring factories spitting out big puffs of harmful smoke,

It is the one missing piece from the puzzle,

A thin, hairline fracture in a vase,

Missing the correct key for a lock,

The glowing, sparkling stars floating in the unknown dark matter,

Biting into candy coated in sugar only to find a salty, sour substance underneath,

It scratches the smooth white surface, leaving behind rips and holes,

Eating at the flesh of an animal like a parasite,

Bittersweetness stabs you in the back like a once close friend


  1. I  decided to publish an emotion poem.
  2. I chose the emotion of bittersweetness, because it is a feeling that is always present. It shows nothing is completely perfect.
  3. The tone of my poem is melancholy or pessimism.
  4. The theme of my poem is that  small imperfections can degrade the big picture.
  5. “It is like a gold chalice with elaborate designs filled with poison,” this line from the poem is a simile. It describes how the object can be beautiful and elegant, but the poison diminishes its value. This adds to the pessimistic tone, because it focuses in on the negativity(poison). “It scratches the smooth white surface, leaving behind rips and holes,” this second piece of figurative language from the poem is an example of personification. This emotion cannot literally scratch a smooth white surface. It shows that this feeling targets the errors in an object to make you view that object differently. This brings out the gloomy melancholy tone, again bringing focus to all the errors in the white surface.
  6. A revision I made was substituting the phrase “A small crack” with ” A thin hairline fracture.” I made this change because “A thin hairline fracture” emphasizes the crack and it paints a detailed picture of the vase in the reader’s mind. “A small crack” is a simple phrase with not much meaning. My second revision was replacing “biting into hard candy” with “biting into candy coated in sugar only to find a salty, sour substance underneath”. This revision is detailed, specific and activates senses like taste and sight.
  7. The poem wasn’t easy, but it also wasn’t difficult. It did not require an overwhelming amount of focus or thinking. In my first draft thinking of figurative language and finding the connection between inanimate objects and a specific emotion was different and somewhat challenging. After planning and using techniques like webs and organizers, it became easier to write the poem.
  8. I’m pretty satisfied with my poem. I feel like if I picked a different type of poem that could be linked to a specific moment or event my poem would be better, but I feel like I did well.

Watching the flowers

By:Rachel Murray

flowers are blooming

adding lots of nice colors outside

Soft and vivid hues


bees genty hug them

going from one to the next

bees eagerly buzz


warm air pervading

stroking the beautiful plants

as they dance gently


the sun now setting

flowers now looking golden

signing off the day


Ode to Chocolate Chip Cookies

By: Matthew Kerolos


Chocolate Chip Cookies,

Oh how you make my mouth sing,

Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.


You are one who brings joy,

Comfort, and love to all.


You give shelter to those in need,

You nothing more than delicious.


You are a firework,

One that goes off in my mouth,

You are a valiant warrior,

One that sacrifices,

One that fights,

And one who cares.


The fascinating artwork you create always seems to amaze me,

Oh how your chocolate chips always tease me,

You are most definitely a home,

To those who need,

And to those who need love,

You love,

You care,

You amaze

And we glorify and dearly thank you.



The poem I published is an Ode. I wrote an ode to Chocolate Chip Cookies. My tone of my poem is joyful. The theme of my poem is Chocolate Chip Cookies bring happiness and comfort to all.

Figurative language: “You are a firework”- Metaphor. This example of figurative language develops to the tone and theme development by making the tone more exiting and happy because fireworks are joyful.

”You give shelter to those in need”-Personification.

I used personification because this sentence makes me visualize that chocolate chip cookies are comforting.

Revison 1:  “The (Amazing to Fascinating) artwork you create always seems to amaze me”. – I made this revision because the word is more sophisticated and helps me want to visualize more about how the cookie is entertaining and beautiful.

Revision 2:”You are a (Brave to Valiant) warrior”. -I made this revision because valiant has more in depth visualization and meaning to it, and I also chose this to go in depth about how this cookie goes into extreme measures to bring joy to others.


It was very easy to create this poem because there is so much to praise Chocolate Cookies for because of their delicious taste and appearance.

I am satisfied with my final draft becuase it has a lot of figurative language and good word choice.