“Cookies” by Abby Shockley (block 3)
A four year old boy climbs
up those concrete stairs
pitter patter goes his little feet.
He enters with a kind greeting, as he
takes off his coat, his cheeks rosy from the cold.
A kind woman welcomes him
and ties an apron around his back.
Another girl joins the group, a teenager
she gives the little boy a hug.
He smiles and steps up on
a stool to begin a beloved tradition.
The teenage girl brings out cookie cutters
while the older woman rolls out
the lumpy cookie dough
to the perfectly smooth texture.
And as the little boy cut out
those delicious treats, the woman took pictures
and the teenager simply smiled, watching
as her little cousin makes
Christmas cookies, his face lit up
like this was the best day in his life.
And as this was going on
the girl thought, “This seems so familiar.”
And when the dough was all gone
and the aroma of sugar cookies
walked into the house
the little boy picked up a cookie
and handed it to his cousin, still warm.
And they ate together,
the dough melting in their mouths.
And outside, a twinkly snow was falling
creating a winter wonderland.