An Ode To The Sun
by:Danny Rutler
The Sun,
A fiery ball in the sky
You go to sleep in the night
You wake up with your morning shine
You are like a king sitting on his shrine
Like a giant light bulb,
You are so proud
Bringing light through the clouds
During the day you bring me joy
Like a child with a brand new toy
The love is like parents hugging a newborn baby
You let the animals come out to play
You rule the sky like Michael Jordan in the NBA
Your reflection on the open ocean
You care for me like you drank a love potion
For you give me the greatest love
You wake me up like a morning dove
When the clouds block your golden glow
You shine right through
Put on a show
The Sun.
- My poem was an Ode.
- I chose to write an ode about the sun because it is the most beautiful thing in the sky. Without the sun there would be no light and I feel we should be appreciative for that.
- The tone of my poem is very loving and appreciative.
- The theme is that we should take care of the sun and that we should appreciate it.
- “Like a child with a brand new toy.” This is a simile and it helps explain how much the sun fills me with joy. “You go to sleep in the night.” This is personification because the sun can’t actually go to sleep. It explains how the sun sets and the moon comes out in the night.
- One revision I did was change Lebron James to Michael Jordan. I did this because I really wanted to emphasize how the sun rules the sky. Another example is when I changed you glow right through to you shine right through because I used glow on the line before and I felt like it didn’t flow very well on the readers tongue.
- This poem was fairly easy to write because I have a large appreciation of the sun.
- I’m very satisfied with my final draft because I worked hard and I had a purpose behind writing it.