A Summer Storm

By: Athan Burke

The sun was out but hiding behind the clouds

There was big gusts of wind, blowing fresh air on me

My hammock swung lightly in the canopy

I could see butterflies hovering above me

And a bird was chirping in the distance

Suddenly a gust of wind blew

And lifted me and my hammock into the air suspended

I felt a buzz in my pocket, a severe storm alert

I looked up and the white puffy clouds were no longer white

And no longer puffy, there was a large dark Cumulonimbus cloud above me 

the storm cloud was as dark as the tinted windows on the presidents limo

A crack of lightning made me aware of the storms presence

Thunder that could be heard for miles was there

The sprinkle of rain became a downpour on my head

That was when it was time for me to get down



1. I published a Sensory Detail Poem.

2. I chose this event as the basis for my poem because when this event occured it occured to me that nature has many possible outcomes and that things can come out of nowhere when you least expect them.

3. The tone of my poem is abrupt.

4. The theme of my poem is “Anything can happen instantaneously and anywhere”

5. Figurative language example #1-

“I looked up and the white puffy clouds were no longer white and no longer puffy, there was a large dark gray storm cloud above me”, this example is a metaphor it is comparing 2 things that are different so in this case cumulus clouds and Cumulonimbus clouds. This represents the quick change in the area in my poem.

5. Figurative language example #2- “the storm cloud was as dark as the tinted windows on the presidents limo” this is an example of a simile because it is comparing two things using like or as. This lets the Reader have a feeling of how dark the storm cloud is and what the atmosphere is like.

6. Revision #1 “All of a sudden a gust of wind blew” I revised this line to “suddenly a gust of wind blew”. The reason I revised this line was because it was too long and when I use the suddenly it lets the reader know whats going on.

6. Revision #2 “there was a large dark gray storm cloud above me” I revised this line to “there was a large dark gray cumulonimbus cloud above me”. The reason I revised this line was because it occurred to me that the word storm and cloud was coming up to often in the poem and I didn’t want it to be overused. When I was revising this line I did decide to keep in dark and gray because most people don’t know that a cumulonimbus cloud is a storm cloud so I added in some context clues.

7. This poem was pretty easy to write the only difficult part was finding a starting point and topic after that it was a breeze. I have no problem writing poems because we wrote a lot of them in sixth grade and that made me feel much more comfortable writing this poem. Though I would have rather wrote a Haiku because I am good with those.

8. I am satisfied with my final draft because I have checked over it multiple times and I am positive my grade will be fine, this poem was pretty easy to write but I still tried my best.




Silent River

By: Carly Munsell


Voices in my head, they whisper to me

And this void between us rips wider

This love is a silent river, contained yet free

It roars with hatred, but the silence conquers it all


I threw away my heart for you, like an empty water bottle

It floats down that crystal clear river

It tells me with its vacant voice

An it is our love that still seems to linger


You tore my heart out with your hand

The endless river is where I wash off the blood

I want to leave this peaceful place and:

By the river, my useless heart lies in the mud


As the mist whisks me away, and takes me into it’s fearful arms, I say farewell

The mist thickens as the silent river seems to hum:

“Your song I’ve sung,”

As the the melody rung

That is when I began to run

Away from you

The Alpengeist

By: Brogan Haley

I walk to the park                                                                                                                                                                                          My hands sweaty from nervousness                                                                                                                                                          I see the ark                                                                                                                                                                                                    Of the Alpengeist                                                                                                                                                                                          At Busch Gardens

I stand in line                                                                                                                                                                                                My heart sank each time I get closer                                                                                                                                                        To the front of the line                                                                                                                                                                                  Smelling buttery pretzels                                                                                                                                                                            Of the shops around me                                                                                                                                                                              My heart pumping faster and faster

I get on board the Alpengeist                                                                                                                                                                      My heart pumping even louder                                                                                                                                                                  “Bum,Bum!” “Bum,Bum!”                                                                                                                                                                           “Tck,Tck,Tck” the roller coaster                                                                                                                                                                 Going up the hill

We were at the top                                                                                                                                                                                        “Woosh!”  we were screaming on the drop                                                                                                                                              Into a loop, then a corkscrew, then another loop                                                                                                                                  The screams getting louder as the ride continues                                                                                                                                  The Tunnel getting closer                                                                                                                                                                            My throat as dry as a desert                                                                                                                                                                        From screaming on the ride

We reached the end                                                                                                                                                                                      My heart pumping with adrenaline                                                                                                                                                          We get off the coaster                                                                                                                                                                                  Telling  myself  to ride it again



The Raft

By: Logan Parker


I was on the docks

boarding the raft while it shook like a piece of paper in a wind storm

the boat started with a rumble

as we made our way to the chesapeake

the water sparkling from the light of the sun

the more we speed up the harder the waves

flying higher with every wave

I had lost grip on the handle

I was in the air for a good second

before the water was staring me down

the water was like a brick as it cushioned my fall

I laid on the surface of the water with a back that felt like it was on fire

as I swam to the boat

it was over

“lets go again” I said

Las Vegas shooting


The Rainbow

There was a storm

A very harsh storm

The rain took away my friends

We had no place to go

Then we saw a cabin and hid in it

While we were hiding

There was a lot of screaming

 We hid as long as we can

Until the storm went away

It happened in a short period of time but seemed so long

People have been killed and injured

But now there was a beautiful rainbow over us

I have never been more happy to see a rainbow.



i start to hear the rain come down

i can see the trees sway back and forth because of the wind

i see the rain bounce of the road

i can feel the house shake every time it thunders

the lightning lights up the dark rooms

i hear the bings from my phone

see the texts from my friends

then i hear my dads voice saying go down stairs

i see the water coming in from outside

i close my eyes hoping for it to be over

and then i can’t hear 0r see anything

it’s quite the rain stopped and it’s over

By: Zach Moore

Old man reading a book

the book had a very good hook

And that’s the book he took

He couldn’t take his eye off the book

until he saw a fly

and he went to go eat apple pie

but the fly went in the pie

and ate but quickly became bait for the old man to swat

the old man was waterting his pot

the flowers grew the fly flew and he ate some stew

the stew was warm he went to his room and will return to the porch soon

the old man returned to his porch admiring the seen

everything was green

he picked up his book

the old man inspired me

now it is my desire to read a book

Gun “Control”

By; Emma karry

Can you hear the kids?

Their parents are screaming

Texts are forever long and never ending

“School is a safe place” though is it true?

Maybe, but the people in it may not be

The kids are running as if they were animals scavenging for life

Phone calls to parents are exchanged

The news is blowing up

This is a tragic thing, but all we have done is publicize everything

When does it stop?

Does it stop when the kids hearts do?

These guns are doing no good

The kids are not either

“They’re okay” as you brush it off your shoulder

But the thing is, these kids are not “okay”

January 20, Winston Salem, North Carolina- May 25,  Noblesville, Indiana

These shootings are spreading like a virus

Are the kids still “okay” or are we  actually ready to do something?

A good day gone bad

By Joseph Edleblute




It was a bright sunny day

The birds were chirping

The breeze had a sweet scent

So sweet you could almost taste it

But suddenly the sky became very dark

The birds stopped chirping

And the wind had a bitter taste and was now howling

The rain started coming down like bullets

Huge bolts of lightning were striking everywhere

But the worst was yet to come

A giant tornado started to rip through trees

And anything that that stands in its path

After it passes everything is quiet

And it is now peaceful with a magnificent rainbow

On top of the clouds