Ode to Kimberly.B

By:Xavier Threatt


To Kim my older sister and a great friend.


It was a warm Californian winter when we first met.


You were standing like no other in a purple coat in the cold.


I saw you and went to say hello you smiled and greeted me back


I saw you walking home and I tagged along and talked to you before we ferried our different ways.


While we were talking you smile caught me off guard.


Your laugh sounded like the song of a hundred angels singing.


You were a diamond in a sea of sapphire more valuable than you know.


Always a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


You had many people that loved you and that thought of you as family.


You were polite to me and helped people out in their darkest times and that is what I admired about you at times.


You don’t let your past define you and no matter what.


You gave me a purpose at times at others I was still trying to find myself.


Your warm eyes.


Your sweet scent berry still stuck in my nose.


Your welcoming smile always made me feel warm on the inside.


You always had a positive outlook on life which I adored.


You were always there for me and stuck with me to the end.


That is why I admire you old friend.


May you have a great life and let joy come into it.


Let your wings carry you far and shield you from this wretched world.


  1. The type of poem i chose to write is an ode.


2) i choose this subject because i was thinking about her and the history behind it.


3) The tone of the poem is sad and happy. sad because i don’t really see nor talk to her and easy because that is my best friend in the world .


4) The theme is that you will meet people that are kind to you no matter what so you have to keep them near you.


5)Always a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

You were a diamond in a sea of sapphire more valuable than you know.


6)two ways that i revised this poem is by taking out a whole sentence.

the other is just changing the word ferie to feryied


7) It was very easy to write this poem the reason why is because i was writing on someone that i know since i began  middle school


8) I am overly excited about the final product.

Anti Ode to Shadows

By: Kate Rowzie


You are my shadow

A terrible friend

You never speak

And you never attend


You disappear in the dark

And come in the light

You stay for the good times

And never the night


I feel as if you mock me

You always act taller

So I stand quietly


Being smaller


I have to work hard

For all the I want

You do it effortlessly

Like an everlasting taunt


You stomp all over me

You silly copycat

You only do what I do

And leave it at that


Your like a little child

You mimic what I do

You follow me around

But I didn’t ask you to


Life seems simpler

Being a shadow

It’s an easy task

But you can be so shallow


All you are

Is black and white

Me i’m grey and complicated

But it seems like you do it right


1. I published a anti ode poem about shadows.

2. I chose this because I felt inspired and I had thought about this previously, so I had an idea of what to do.

3.The tone of this poem is haunting, since it is an anti ode.

4. The theme of my poem is that you should work hard to achieve and overcome obstactals, and that nothing should just be given to you.

5. You are my shadow, a terriable friend. -Metaphore

Your like a little child. – Simile

6. The first way I revised this poem is by changing the word ongoing to everlasting. The second is I changed copy to mimic. I made these because not only do they make it flow better, but it elevates my vocabulary.

7. It was quite easy because I already had an idea of how the poem would go and it flowed very easily.

8. I am satisfied with this poem because I think it sound somewhat profestional and it 32 lines and it is creative because it is an anti ode poem.

Conquering Fears

By: Manal Trombati

I shivered as I went through the long line

Snaking around and around

It felt like an eternity for others

But for me,

Time flew

I was pressured to go along

But then,

I hadn’t noticed,

The fate that awaited me


I finally arrived to conquer my fears

My palms sweating as I walked up

My heart racing as I questioned if I was safe

“But what if I wasn’t safe?” I thought

“Thump, Thump, Thump” was my heart racing

Each step I took felt cold,

Lifeless even


I reached the top

The wind whistling in my ears

All I had to do was take one step

And I’ll softly land


I took that step

To conquer my fears

Then swiftly landed to safety

The Way Home

By: Priya Rathnakar

Birds singing,

The smell of dry earth and rain,

In the middle of it all

Stood a girl

Her tears glistened in the sun

As he drove away

A symphony of silence that followed

Head down, helpless and hopeless

As she walked home

Smiled at the dingy store

With a wistful look in her eye

She swiftly speed up

Not wanting to be haunted

By the shadows of her past

As her destination loomed closer

She thought “What Now?”

As she walked home

An Ode To Ali-A

By: Evan Sutherlin


Ali-A to me is like a bird to a tree

His videos give me hope

His positivity makes him great


Ali-A to me is like a bee to honey

He is really brisk

There is no need to hate him


Ali-A to me is like a dog to a puppy

He builds me up

He Never fails my expectations


Ali-A to me is scar to a John Wick

His fortnite videos fill me with hope

And thats why he’s really dope


Ali-A to me is a like a moth to a flame

His videos are really splendid

He is my companion


Ali-A to me is like a mouse to a PC

This is why I like Ali-A

He is really a good person you can see

He could build a city

Ali-A to me


1. I published an ode

2. I chose the subject of my ode because Ali-A is very important to me

3.The tone is positivity

4.The theme is Ali-A

5.The First figurative launguage is “Ali-A to me is like a bird to a tree” This is a simile, this supports the tone because it shows that i like Ali-A as much as a bird would like a tree.  My second figurative language is “Ali-A to me is lioke a dog to a puppy” this is a simile, this supports the tone because it shows that Ali-A and me have a bond like a dog and a puppy

6. The first revision is I changed great to splended for stronger word choice. The second revision I made was I changed mate to companion for stronger word choice.

7. It was pretty easy because its not hard to talk well about Ali-A.

8. I Am satisfieded with my final draft because it looks great and it sounds great and its rhymes are very good.


Ode to my dog Bailey

By:  Hannah Carey

Ode To My Dog Bailey


Have you ever some part of your heart was missing

If yes I have been in your shoes

I lost one of my pal

Until this angel came into my life

And brightened it up like the sun.

Going up to pet your smooth and silk fur as a ribbon.

Big gentle creature who just wanted love.

The day I could bring you home came fast as a hummingbird’s wings.

Seeing at last made my day so happy

Your tail going all over the place hitting my leg like whip hurt

But you were so how I could I say no to you

Years went by and finally you were able to sleep in my room and I was filled with so much joy because of this.

When my days are down cover over  and see if I am fine.

Looking at your dark black eyes you are filled with joy.

May seem strange but your like a sister to me.

You brighten my day when the days are dark and stormy

Like a thunderstorm.

Knowing one day you pass on I will always remember you my

Sweet, gentle, kind dog.



1. I published an ode to my dog Bailey.

2. I chose this subject for my ode because my dad does acaully do all of these things she is a dog that will come over and see if you are all right and never trained her to do that she just did that on her own.

3. The tone of this poem is happness because I am saying good things about my dog.

4. The theme of my poem is that any animal for me a dog can be your best friend.

5. “Hitting my leg like a whip.” And ” days are dark and stormy like a thunderstorm.”

6. I changed some figurative language in my poem and I did this because some of it was just me putting my thoughts down and so I had to change them.

7. It was kinda easy and hard at the same time because part of it was trying to think of thing my dog does reasons why because I don’t see much of her like I want to.

8. I pretty satisfied with my poem because I think that I chose a really good subject to write about.


by: Hannah Collado

As I walk off the pavement stairs

My feet sink into the sand

Soft as a feather

But still a few seashells poking at my feet

I start to run towards the ocean

The vibrate blue ocean

As blue as topaz necklace

I walk into the cooling water

Making my body temperature go down

From the bright sun heating up my skin.   

As I hear the soothing sound of the ocean

And the sweet taste of a strawberry daiquiri

I now know this is paradise.


1. I published a sensory detail poem.

2. I chose this place for my poem becuase I have been there many many times.

3. The tone of my poem is soothing.

4. The theme of my poem is that everyone has a paradise.

5. “Soft as a feather” (simile) it helps the reader visualize what the sand feels like.

“As blue as a topaz necklace” (simile) it helps the reader picture the ocean.

6. I changed topaz to topaz necklace because I feel like ti flows better.

I  changed nice taste to sweet taste because some people may have never had a strawberry daiquiri before so it helps them taste it.

7. This poem was easy to write because I’ve been there so many times I know how to describe it.

8. I am very satisfied with my final draft because I feel it makes people belive they were there.







Stanley Cup Finals

Shaky hands and shaky hearts

The screams are deafening

A sea of red

The slashing of ice

The sound of glass clattering

Roars and hollers surround me like a blanket

Confetti flying, stuck in my hair

Smiles on those who wear the flaming red

Up 4-0

Hugs all around

The silver glows bright like a star

Beach Days

By: Megan Averyt

10 years ago,

Was the first time I went to the beach.

The car was filled with excitement

On the long,

Seven hour trip to North Carolina.

We passed the big and bright welcome sign,

And there were brightly colored houses in a line.

There were big sandy beaches

That stretched on forever.

We bolted out of the car

Onto a beautiful sandy beach.

The sand burned our feet

Like a hot oven

We sprinted to the water,

And the cold waves crashed over us.

As the sun began to set,

Red, orange, and yellow painted the sky

The smell of toasted marshmallows filled the air,

As we gathered around the fire,

Savoring the taste of delicious s’mores.

With smiles on our faces,

From the fun, tiring day,

We know we will never forget this family vacation.