By: Elise Geller
I walk down the welcoming streets
The warm Orlando sun shines down
Children are laughing and talking
A crowd stops as a parade goes by
It smells sweet as we pass restaurants
We stand in a long line for a ride
The ride launches and I feel a huge blast of wind
There is loud music because the ride is called Rockin’ Rollercoaster
As we go around loops I hear screams
Once the ride finishes we go out to eat
The smell of food fills the air
Once our food arrives we finish it very quickly
When night falls we go to watch the fireworks
The fireworks are very bright and colorful in the night sky
Nice sensory details!
The sensory details really help me visualize whats going on.
This poem really created a picture in my head on what was going on.
I liked the details, and they helped to create a picture in the readers mind.