Online addiction

By: Mark Wroniewicz

Wasting hours at a time

Being oblivious to friends and family

Spending money like its energy

Neglecting basic needs everyday 

Eyes craving rest

Only thinking of the next level

For what?

A skin?

A level?

A challenge?

What do you get from all this wasted time?

An addiction

An addiction to staying online





Questions Responses
  1. Which poem type did you publish?
I published an Inspired by poem.
  1. Answer the ONE question that goes with your poem type:
    1. Emotion Poem: Why did you choose this emotion?
    2. Sensory detail Poem: Why did you choose this event as the basis for your poem?
    3. Inspired by poem: What was the source of your inspiration (poem, song, issue)? Why?
    4. Nature/environment poem: Why did you choose this environment?
    5. Allegory: What is the literal meaning (story)? What is the figurative meaning?
    6. Ode: Why did you choose the subject of your ode?
The inspiration for my poem was online and video game addiction because it is becoming a big issue with teens.
  1. What is the tone of your poem?
The tone for my poem is demeaning.
  1. What is the theme of your poem?
The theme of my poem is digital addiction.
  1. Choose TWO examples of figurative language in the poem.
  1. Quote the figurative language: Eyes craving rest
  2. Type of figurative language: personification
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: it shows that the person will stay up all night to be on their technology.
  1. Quote the figurative language: neglecting basic needs every day
  2. Type of figurative language: hyperbole
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: this shows that they are willing to go hours without eating or sleeping to beat a level or complete a challenge. 
  1. What are two specific ways you revised this poem? (Example: “I changed “happy” to “content.”) Why did you make these revisions?
Revision #1: i changed “ignoring” to “being oblivious”

Explanation: I did this to add more emphasis on being isolated.

Revision #2:Instead of using “wanting” i used “Craving”

Explanation: I did this to use elevated language.

  1. How easy or difficult was it to write this poem? Why?
This poem was easy to think of but difficult to create figurative language and impactful lines.
  1. How satisfied are you with your final draft? Explain.
I am very satisfied with my final draft because I worked hard on this and it represents the topic well.


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