Fixing America By Aryan Deorah

When I was little,
I was told that this country was perfect,
I was taught that this is the greatest nation,
I had read everyone was free, everyone had the same rights,
But was this all true?
I went to school and they said my religion was stupid,
I got on the bus, and they called my friends terrorists,
I turned on the news, and there was another police killing,
I saw videos, they showed people spitting on children because of their origin,
I talked to my friends, and all they mentioned was a man who supports all of these things.
Is this country really as great as I was told,
It is up to our generation to fix these problems,
to heal the wounds,
to accept others,

and to cement this nation as the greatest that has ever existed.

Academic Team: The Time I Will Never Forget

Academic Team: The Time I Will Never Forget
       When I was in seventh grade, I had just moved to California and I was starting in a new school.  New places and new faces were all around me.  Later in the year, I joined the school’s academic team at my mom’s urging.  At the time, I didn’t know just how much I would become a part of it and how far I would go with it.  That year, I didn’t participate much, but I gained the insatiable passion that lead me to join as soon as it started the following year. I wanted to make it my one thing that I would be remembered for at my middle school, since I was an eighth grader and I hadn’t really made myself known.  I later found out just how big the academic team would become, and how much I grew.
       When it started in my eighth grade year, I immediately had an edge since I had experience from the previous year.  I combined my previous knowledge along with honing my reflexes in order to be the first to answer the question.  We had buzzers that would signal the judges if someone knew the answer, and it had a button to do so.  However, you also had to be faster than the other team, too.  I was slowly growing in skill within academic team, but academic team almost ended before anything could get going.  The previous coach was no longer going to run academic team, and that meant we wouldn’t be able to continue with academic team.  So I got to talking with one of the assistant coaches about who would be our new coach and I had an idea.  It was a slightly crazy idea, but I was so determined to get academic team to continue on that I went with it.  The person who I thought of as a new coach was not a teacher or a staff member, but someone close to me.  I chose my own mom as the new coach of academic team, since she has shown how effective of a leader she is numerous times.  I was at the time thinking that we would do pretty good, but not super well.  However, destiny decided to prove me wrong.
       The assistant coach agreed with the decision (which made me feel good) and soon enough, my mom was running the show for academic team.  Since she was coach, I was able to practice much more intensely at home, even practicing while at breakfast and dinner on school days and every once in a while on the weekends.  I practiced for a long time, eventually becoming the captain, or lead player, for our “A” team.  We had made four teams to compete in an upcoming NAQT-qualified tournament that was close to us.  The winner would go to the National Tournament that was to be held in Atlanta, Georgia.  Our school had never won the local tournament, as there was a math and science academy that always won called Mesa Verde.  Our teams we had created were labeled as Teams A, B, C, and D, with skill determining the members of each team.  The A team was the best of our entire academic team, and at the bottom was the D team.  However, that doesn’t mean our D team was a pushover either.  They were quite good, but not as skilled as the A team was.  So, I was kind of the best player on the entire team for our school, since I had not only the best stats from other mini tournaments, but I also specialized in more areas than most of the team.  However, the challenge was on to try and win this qualifier tournament.  And it wasn’t going to be easy.
       When the day of the qualifier tournament arrived, all of us were both excited as well as nervous.  My mom was keeping everyone calm with positive conversation, but I still felt edgy.  After meeting up at our school, we packed our things and went to the tournament.  Upon arrival, we immediately saw the teams we dreaded to face; nearby were the teams from Mesa Verde, and they had a lot of their heavy hitting players stacked on their teams.  Just seeing them made some of us really nervous.  In spite of this tension, we decided to calm our nerves with some practice.  We went through packet after packet to make sure we were at our 100% best.  Then, the tournament began.
       We went through match after match, each filled with a series of 20 questions.  You had 10 seconds to answer and they were followed by a three part bonus if a team got it correct.  We came close to losing on several occasions, but we managed to keep a winning streak throughout.  Halfway through, we could hear nervous chatter from upcoming teams, because we essentially made ourselves a big representation by being undefeated.  We continued on, pulling win after win.  Finally, the tournament had reached the final match, where every other team that didn’t make it gets to watch the two final teams go head to head in a heated contest.  We were one of the final teams to make it there.  However, our opponents were the #1 team from Mesa Verde, which was the one we saw earlier stacked with their heaviest hitting players.  They had equal status to our undefeated streak, as they have always won the qualifier tournament, and have done so for at least 4 years.  No one stood a chance against them.  But here we were, in the belly of the beast and only one way out.  Winning.
       We sat at our designated area, as did Mesa Verde.  When both teams were ready, the onslaught of questions began.  I was insanely nervous, and my adrenaline was pumping.  The hardest thing is you can’t see your current score or theirs, so you were left in the dark as to how well you were doing.  The only time we knew was when it was halftime, where the coaches talked with the teams and enforced strategies, as well as give them a score update.  At the time, my mom said that it was a close game, but that we were 5 to 10 points behind them.  I was surprised, since Mesa Verde usually won by a landslide victory in the past.  Determined to win, we resumed with the match.  It was as if I had been going on autopilot after that.  I just answered question after question, beating Mesa Verde to the buzzer and singlehandedly carrying the team.  When the questions were over, they said good game and that it was a close match.  Everyone in the audience got on their feet and went wild, and I thought it was because Mesa Verde won.  That was, until my mom ran up to me and said that we won.  I was ecstatic, and so was my team.  We saw that there was only a 15 point difference in the scores, and that we were the champions of the tournament.  After that, everything just flew by for me.  But I knew one thing.  We beat the old champions, and that we were going to the National Tournament.  That was just as fun, but that’s a story for another time.


There is an essence in each object.

This essence,
consisting of different elements,
represents different factors of life.

Taking advantage of the essence can create beautiful things.
Farming can be done faster.
Landscaping is easier than imagined.
Natural resources are at our fingertips.

Taking advantage of this life force can put man in control of nature.
Or so he thinks….

Nature has a mind of its own.
There is a delicate balance of power between man and the environment.
And if man is taking too much control of the environment,
Nature will fight back in order to restore equilibrium.

Nature will bring about a vile wave of famine,
and mutant creatures beyond anyone’s imagination.

Today, we are at the brink of thriving or dying.
We can bring back a world of hope,
Use the essence for the positive.
Or we can continue to move forward,
abuse the essence,
and let nature take over the human population.

The choice is yours.

The First Step

Hey Guys!

Here is a story that I made and sorry it is really long. This is a prequel of my poem, The Final Stand. I highly recommend that you read it first before reading this story, as it may help you understand this story a bit more. You can read it right here:

Either way, thanks for reading this and hope you guys enjoy!

-Harish Karumuri


Date: March 10, 3026

Location: Gamma Ray Cloud
R.A.: 05h 34m 33s
Dec.: +22:00:55

Houston Time: 3:48

In front of the Massive Terrier X-1 Photon Cruiser -a prime spacecraft of the fleet at my home planet of Xenonia – was a plethora of Gamma Radiation, an energy at the top of our radioactive wave chart. It powers our cities for years, if not decades. However, this particular source could run our planet for at least a century. This ball of gas and radioactivity is what our planet runs on, and without it our city would be devoid of the technological miracles that have been bestowed to us by the scientists of our planet. We have cures to many diseases, clean energy, and sustainable crops due to the energy harnessed within this destructive force. With my family being grown in the Pre-Bestowed time of Xenonia, a time when plague and famine had came across the planet, I felt a need to help our terrestrial sphere continue its prosperity.

“Captain, how’s the energy?” I hear, from my best friend and partner down at the base.

“Navtek, everything seems to be going well. Preparing to take in energy. And how many times have I told you to call me Clayton?” I hear a chuckle from his side as I begin to take out my Energy Absorbtors to take in the abundance of energy from the Gamma Radiation. Energy begins to first fuel up my spacecraft and then begins to store the excess. From my dock inside the shuttle I see the gauge of the Absorbtors slowly grow. But at the last second, the gauges start to show an excess amount of radiation and error messages along with red flashing lights everywhere. If you haven’t seen any good action movies, this means something bad is going to happen.

In this case, the gamma radiation was so much stronger than what I originally anticipated. The energy was seeping out of the Absorbtors and harming the ship itself.

“Sergeant! What is going on?” I hear through a crackly intermission.

“Navtek, it seems as if the energy source came into the infrastructure of the ship. Run a diagnostic now!”

Within seconds came a response. “The assumption you had was indeed correct. However, the radiation is much too extreme for a body to handle. It is required that the ship breaks apart for the escape of the energy as well. ”

“Then what the heck am I supposed to do?”

“First, wear the radiation armor. Then steer the ship to the coordinates you are about to receive.”

The pair of numbers are sent to me and the coordinates take me to some unknown planet. “What coordinates are these!” I scream in panic as I quickly put on the radiation exosuit. In my 5 years as an energy collector, this is my moment of most panic.

“Sergeant, getting back to Xenonia is literally death. This was the closest planet we could give you.”

With no other option, I hop on to driver’s seat and rush to the planet as fast as I can. “Houston, tell me the details of this planet!”

“Planet name: Un-own. Popula-on: Un-own. Biome: Un-now-.”
“IT’S BREAKING UP,” I scream at the top of my lungs with chaos going on around  me. Knowing that my communication was about to be cut off, I start to take precautionary actions.

“Sur-ival Chanc-: 1.2%” my computer practically shouts at me.

The two words to describe my feelings were, “Oh crap.”

“Out of all the things I hear, that’s the one thing that comes out of you, you stupid computer!? The one thing that totally can motivate me to survive!?” I practically scream.

Everything afterward is just an indecipherable mess of static. I guess cursing at the computer made my situation even worse. I throw my hands in the air in frustration and assess the predicament I was in.

I have no other option. I have to go to this planet and survive. As I wait in anticipation, my ship suddenly goes into overdrive.

Date: March 10th, 3026

Location: Planet Unknown
R.A. 06h 34m 33sec
Dec. +23:01:56

Houston Time: 4:50?

As I painfully open my eyes, I see a desolate land with withered trees outside the cockpit. Toward the back of this cockpit is a blown up and fragmented stern. The ringing sensation in my ears recedes. As I make my way into my ship and look for any undamaged gadgets, a display on ship’s front shows the outside air quality  as anything but breathable. If I go outside, I die. Luckily the cockpit itself stayed intact, retaining the oxygen inside.
I soon decide to scavenge the interior, looking for anything that I can use: mainly oxygen, food, water, and weapons. After a good while of searching, I find a small survival bunker [Thank the lords!], which gives me a week’s worth of nutrition packs with water, a small pistol with several cartridges, a blunt copper dagger, and the one thing I need the most: oxygen. There’s only one problem- I only have three days worth of it.

Three days.

I have to get out of here in three days if I ever want to see home.

See my family.

See Xenonia.

I put on my oxygen mask to head to the doors, leading to a world that I have no idea of- with no sense of what obstacles are going to come across my way, no idea of how I was going to get home, and no knowledge of surviving with any creatures that may be out there.

I take one more deep breath, and open the metal door. A screech of air releases and comes outward, causing red-orange dust to puff around and make my mask become unclear. Soon after I wipe it off, I experience a fearful awe that comes across me.

The sky was nearly dark with small sections of a yellow, glowing rock, dimly fading with a small source of light. Around and below me is a blood red crust that makes me feel miniscule, inferior, and disgraceful. Some sections seemed to be a poisonous and vicious gunk that threatened to melt the soul away from anyone who ventured into it. And across some edges were pools of molten magma, daring for something to come venture into the scalding sections. Some areas even had shriveled up plants and trees thriving for water and nutrition. In short, this place was as if Mars had crashed into the Hell.

As I walk in, I feel the swish of an arrow just above my ear.

So I fling my pistol out expecting to see the most horrifying creature alive. Well, I’m not sure if I should even call it a creature. The only thing that was visible was a charcoal black skeleton with one of the most powerful bows ever invented – a Manalyn Framed, Ferrouskyn stringed bow (Did I mention I got an A+ in Weapon Identification in college?). I had to be extremely lucky that he missed.

I shot him several times, and that only made him seem to rage even more. His body started to light up as a blinding flash came about. Then, I saw no longer a skeleton, but a flaring skeleton monster, with teeth sharper than a granite-sharpened damascus steel sword. His body grew to at least seven feet inside. When I look even closer, it seems as if it has a black smog releasing from him as his focus began to come on me.


I began to once again shoot wildly, trying to hit every part of his evil, skeletal body. However, this came to no avail.
Then I took out the one weapon I had left. The copper dagger with a dull tip was what my life came down to. I had no other choice. I chucked the worthless piece of metal at him as hard as I could and when the knife struck him, a piercing screech shot out of him and his body slowly shriveled to ash leaving only one thing.

The copper dagger.

I slowly creep toward the body, hoping that it won’t somehow magically pop back to life in a more bloodthirsty form. But as I reach the death spot the glint of the dagger was the only thing found in the mound of dark ashes. I pick up this strange shard and begin to marvel at the power that seems to be inside.

That is, until when a hard thump of a club hits my head. The last thing I hear is a gruff man saying, “Dang it Billy! Boss told us to keep him alive!

Date: March 11th?, 3026

Location: Planet Unknown
R.A. 06h 34m 33sec
Dec. +23:01:56

Houston Time: ?:??

Hey Boss, I think the guy’s waking up.” I hear the same gruff voice.

I hear another unfamiliar voice, assuming it’s Billy’s saying, “I told you I didn’t kill him!”

I try to pretend to remain sleeping so I could eavesdrop into the conversation, but a third unfamiliar voice, “Wake up Clayton. We know you’ve already been awake for the past five minutes.”

What the. They know my name!

The same unfamiliar voice replied, “Yes. We know your name. That’s probably why I said it.”

I swear, these guys are freaking mind readers. I manage to open my eyes and sit up to find myself in a meager, metal-walled room with computers and flashing lights. Each screen had different things on it, like a security camera. The first camera had a picture of the atmosphere. The second was a picture of a fortress, seeming to be made out of a refined sort of the crust that I had crash landed on. A third screen trailed a buff man which seemed to embody evil. The man had a dark, ashen aura seeping out of his body. He was wearing obsidian armor with damascus iron boots, and a light, flexible black undercloth. His face showed a evil pair of eyes with no pupils showing. His blood-red colored hair was tied in an ornate fashion with jewels and gold, showing his vile face which was a stygian skin on top of the evilness that was already in him. The camera followed him until he reached a weak and undernourished boy. The boy moved his lips in fear, as if he had done something wrong. Then in a flash, the evil man took out a shadow iron sword and decapitated the poor little child.

I can’t say any more about what he did at that moment.

And on the fourth screen was a broken down Terrier X-1 Photon Cruiser.

“Wait a second, why is my Terrier X-1 Photon Cruiser on the screen!” I yell in frustration.

The third man who had spoken responded with, “Uuuuuuuuummmm. You should follow me.”

But then I realized I was talking without an oxygen mask. “Before you say anything else, where is my oxygen mask?”

“We went to refill it. There is oxygen constantly being filled in this base so you will be fine.”

Oh. So I guess these guys are friendly. What’s this guys name anyway?

“Yes, we are friendly. And the name is Ramhart. I am part of the Pure Blood clan. We are here in order to bring prosperity to this land.”

Once again, freaking mind readers! “What’s the name of this planet?”

“Welcome to planet Earth, or nicknamed by us as the Underworld.”

Yikes. I’ve only heard legends about this place by elders who escaped from the planet and fled to Xenonia. “And why do you want me?”

“You took down a monstrous force that kills three of our members every time it approaches. You took it down with no effort.”

“Well, I di-”

“Don’t say it was the copper dagger! There’s something inside of you that can help us. You may be…” Ramhart began to mumble off.

“What was that?”

“Oh nothing. Let me introduce you to the leaders.”

After what I think an hour has elapsed, I finally get an understanding of the “Pure Blood” clan. So this group has five different leaders, and each of them have mastered their minds and bodies and are now able to control one of the six elements. Ramhart has mastered spirit, giving him telekinetic powers, so he’s the only one who can mind read. The group also made him the general leader, so that’s who “Boss” was. A slender and fast girl, Bryze, controls the element of wind. Because of her, we have the oxygen in this area. A girl named Blaise pretty much bends fire, so she gives the heat when we need it. The Gruff guy, named Thomas, has electricity, so I think it’s self explanatory on how he helps the base. Finally, Billy can control water, so he gives the group hydration.

There was one more element which I questioned them about, but they all pretended like they didn’t hear it. It was frustrating, but I didn’t really want to get on the bad side of some people who could wreck my face in a few seconds.

There were also other members from crashed planes and refugees from the so called “Death Age” who helped the cause here as well. They didn’t manage to be able to “master” themselves, but they help out the place by developing new tools and such.

After being bored in the room I awoke to for a long time, I got up and and checked the place around. Despite what I originally thought, this place was gigantic and had intricate hallways and many different rooms. In the midst of roaming around, I heard Ramhart speaking from a small distance away. As I ventured closer to the sound, it seemed as if the leaders were having a discussion.

“Is Clayton the one?” Bryze says.

Wait, what? They’re talking about me? What do I have that can make this place great?

Then I hear a sound that I never thought that I would hear. Navtek.

“Clayton is your guy. He’s been one with nature since childhood. He loves animals and he has a huge garden back here. He will help Earth come back to how it was,” he said through a transmission.

I couldn’t hear anymore. I could not listen in. I immediately left the area. All that “unknown” crap he gave me about this planet. He knew the ins and outs of this place. He never wanted me to get back home. He wanted me to fight for some bloody cause. But then I heard my name once again.

“Clayton, I know you’re listening in on this. I’m sorry man. I had to do this. You know what? Xenonia is on its tipping point too. We may not have plague or hunger, but we have another problem. Greed. Wars are breaking out between us and many countries. There’s overpopulation. We need more room to grow. That’s why you are here.”

I just ran away as the ending click came. Thomas was coming out and trying to send a stun ball my way, but as he threw it, a trap door opened below my feet into a dim area. As I was falling, the door was going back into place and the only place I could go was down.

I seem to be waking up with paining eyes way too much within the past few, hours? Days? I don’t even know at this point. I get up off this dusty floor and I find myself in this old and decrepit room. On the far side of the room are podiums, each one with a small symbol on them. I come closer and see that the first one had a Purple circle with a four pointed star in the middle. The one after had strokes of white coming forward as if it showed a sense of wind. The one after was remarkably like a fire burst with colors of crimson and orange. The next had a lightning bolt on it with a golden yellow. The one after had waves of water.

The final one had a tree with branches that came forward at me and was calling my name. And what was really different about this one was that there was a sword handle sticking out of the top. It had an intricate carving of branches and leaves. There was a force belonging to this sword that was longing me to pull it out. I went forward to grab it and I clasp my hands around the handle.

As I tried to pull it up, the sword remained stiff and refused to come up no matter what I tried.

I pull with great strength for an extreme amount of time and begin to frustrate myself. After what I think is an hour, I give up and try to head back.

No need to though. Blaise and Bill manage to come in and help me out. They said nothing. They just get me out, take me to my room and left. Nothing more than that. I lay down on my bed, thinking about everything that happened and just fall asleep with the confusion in my head.

Date: March ??, 3026

Location: Planet Earth
R.A. 06h 34m 33sec
Dec. +23:01:56

Houston Time: ?:??


I jolt awake immediately. Red flashing lights with ear-splitting sounds scream at me. A worker tells me to go to the conference room, the same room where I heard Navtek. Everyone was squished into the area to see a giant video message from the ominous man I had seen on the security camera.

“Hello there Pure bloods,” he said with a mocking tone. “My name is Oklarth Tenebis. It has come to my attention that you are attempting to steal my kingdom. If anyone tries to steal it, I punish them. So, I have done exactly that. Take a look at these people.” Gasps came out from all around the room. Each of the clan leaders were there, tied to a pole surrounded with billions of things that could kill them. Things from flame throwers, to tear gas, to motion detecting turrets ready to fire at the slightest bit of movement. “I have heard that these people are leading this cause. If you want them back, you have one thing to do. Fight. Otherwise, say goodbye. You have 2 hours starting now. May you lose!” He followed that with the most menacing laugh heard by any being’s ears. A timer came afterwards.

I had no idea what do or or say. But then I saw a small, green pathway, similar to the one on GPS, urging me to follow it like the yellow brick road. With the shock I was in, I decide to follow it. It leads me down some stairs and directly to the sword.

The Sword.

I was about to curse and scream in frustration, but I heard a voice. A small voice.  


“Pull-the-sword.” I hear his croaking voice. “Pull-the-sword.”

It all begins to click in my head. Spirit. Wind. Fire. Lightning. Water. Life. A newfound will comes into me. Ramhart is right. I will pull this sword out of this podium. I will not be stopped. These are my friends at stake. This is the planet at stake.

This is Xenonia at stake.

I will be the warrior of life.

I take a good look into the sword and grasp the handle. As I pull my hand upward, there is a copper sword ready to destroy a skeleton army.

Elephants in the Sky

Imagine 6.5 billion female elephants in the sky every year. Now imagine that every person in the US was responsible for 5 of those elephants up there while people in third world countries each put up 5 baby elephants.  This may be a farfetched thought, but now imagine each of those elephants being made out of carbon dioxide. This is how much CO2 is in the sky. Let me reiterate: every year, twenty six billion tons of CO2 is put into the atmosphere each year. And Americans put an average of twenty tons of this noxious smog there, while each person in a third world country puts about one ton. This is a severe problem, as we have climate change occurring so much to the point that the Dead Sea may be completely evaporated by 2050 (Deal Could ‘refill’ Drying Dead Sea.)  The world still needs energy, however, and third world countries need it even more than anyone else in the world in order to have a good future. So how do we solve this dilemma?
Recently, hydraulic fracking has been on the news for giving us a great amount of oil and it is great that there is more energy available, but this is causing people not to worry about energy problems. On the down side, oil can last for only so long and shale oil may only last until 2020. Even further, oil itself may only last until 2040, giving us less than 26 years to put our act together and find a solution. (Dimick, Natural Geographic) Along with this, communities surrounding oil fracking areas have reports of poisoned drinking water, polluted air, mysterious animal deaths, industrial disasters and explosions. (Fracking Across the United States)
Looking at this prospect, we have to find a solution to lower the amount of carbon dioxide put into the air as close as we can get to 0. This can be found through simple multiplication; the formula is the amount of people times the amount of services used, times the energy each service takes, times the amount of CO2 released through the service. (Gates, TED)
In the formula, we first have the amount of people on the planet. We know that we cannot somehow rid the Earth of people, so this number will either stay the same or go higher. Next, we have the amount of services that each person receives. These services may be having enough drinking water, being able to have light at night, or even being able to cook food. We could remove these services, but it would be harmful toward society, especially to poorer countries where having simple pleasures such as food or light are difficult.
Thirdly, the amount of energy services are taking is generally going down, which is a good thing. We have cleaner cars, televisions that use less power, and more cleaner forms of electricity coming out, such as solar or wind power. At the same time, we have services that are using too much energy such as making fertilizer or burning coal.  Therefore, this may lower the overall number, but it is going to make a small difference.
Finally, we come to the last variable in this problem: the amount of carbon dioxide released by the service . Inside any multiplication equation, in order to have a result of zero, it is required to have a zero in the equation. What’s great is that it is possible to bring the amount of carbon dioxide required down to zero! However, in order to accomplish this, we need to have energy breakthroughs, and we need it fast. There are many possibilities, but the ones that seem to have the most promise are nuclear energy and renewable energy. However, if there happens to be more successful sources of clean energy, then the better it will be. But once again, at this time, these sources seem to be the most promising.
In the field of Nuclear Energy, many major innovations are being made as a company called Transatomic Power, founded by 2 graduates from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have possibly found a more efficient method of energy creation. Nuclear energy creates a lot of toxic waste. What Transatomic Power has done is find a way to convert this once thought useless sludge to an abundance of energy. In fact, Cofounder of PayPal, Peter Thiel has invested more than a billion dollars to Transatomic Power. (Kim, Business Insider) This is the kind of action that we need in order to move forward in society.
In the field of renewable energy, there is an abundance of potential for success. However, compared to oil, these renewable energies only give a fraction of power. Research needs to be done in order to increase efficiency of this type of power. For example, wind power generates less than 5% of the energy that oil provides us. There is much work that can be done in this field, but if it works then, it will be very beneficial toward the future of energy.
In the end, we need to reduce the amount of CO2 in the air. Along with that, we need innovations that can take us there. We may find more ways to obtain oil, but there must be a better method that can be found in order to not only help this country, but the whole world. And we have to do it fast. We cannot have anymore elephants in the air. Not even one.

“Bakken Shale Oil.” The New Oil Landscape. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.
“Deal Could ‘refill’ Drying Dead Sea.” BBC News. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.
Dimick, Dennis. “How Long Can the U.S. Oil Boom Last?” National Geographic. National
Geographic Society, 19 Dec. 2014. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.
“Fracking Across the United States.” Earthjustice. 12 Apr. 2011. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.
Gates, Bill. “Innovating to Zero!” Bill Gates:. TED Talks. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.
Kim, Eugene. “Billionaire Investor Peter Thiel Now Wants To Disrupt The Nuclear Energy
Industry.” Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 5 Aug. 2014. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.
SeaWorld. “Elephants.” SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment. SeaWorld Parks and
Entertainments. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.

“When Will Oil Run Out?” When Will Oil Run Out? Web. 4 Feb. 2015.

Business Letter to Nintendo

23027 Weybrigde Sq.
Ashburn, VA 20148

October 8th, 2014

4600 150th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052

Dear Mr.Reggie Fils-Aimé,

I recently have bought the new Wii U console and I have been immensely enjoying it. The device is great; the ability for the games to have stunning and beautiful graphic makes gameplay much better. The other features placed in it are amazing such as the dual screen, fluidness in motions, and new control possibilities with the gamepad, once again, making the gameplay great. I recently bought the game Super Smash Bros for the Wii U. This game has been awesome! I really love the features of the game and the updated graphics make the game really enjoyable to play and watch. Also, the 8-player brawl feature is an amazing feature added in. On top of that, the many new characters added in such as Lucina and Robin from the Fire Emblem Series and Shulk from the Xenoblade Chronicles series make the game have a much higher variety which, once again, makes the game very exciting. The old characters that seemed to be overpowered were also fairly debuffed and vice versa.

However, I do have a few concerns, the first being that there is no adventure mode inside this new game. Inside Super Smash Bros. Brawl there was an adventure mode called the Subspace Emissary. Throughout this, we had to stop some force from taking over the land where all the characters seem to live. This led us to the final boss, Tabu who we had to destroy in order to bring peace back to the land. My friends and I spent a countless amount of hours playing the adventure and the fact that there is no adventure mode was upsetting. When it comes to the next patch of the Super Smash Bros.4 series, please keep this in mind and make an adventure mode as exciting, if not, even more exciting than the one in Brawl.

My second concern is the lack of understanding of the controls. Before playing, I wanted to know how to do a “smash attack,” the attack that enables the user to more easily launch up the opponent into the air. I spent at least 5 minutes for searching how to do this, as this feature was described in the tutorial. I understand that there is the manual in order to do this, but reading the manual is not very exciting to do. However, I was desperate and I went through the manual. I feel the best way to integrate this lack of knowledge of controls is into an interactive tutorial rather than a quick 30 second video that does not explain the controls that well. I also later found the controls button hidden in the bottom right hand corner of the settings. Please make the controls more easily to be seen as Smash Bros. has some of the simplest controls to use compared to other fighting games but new users and people (like me) who did not even thoroughly understand the controls of the previous games will not be able to figure them out too easily.

I highly appreciate you for taking the time to read my critiques on your new game, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. In addition, if this letter is not sent to the correct area, please forward this letter to the place it should be.

Thanks again,

Harish Karumuri

Missing Slippers

By: Sreya Palnati

I wake up to the sound of an awfully loud airplane. As I roll out of bed, I take a quick glance at the clock and realize that I am thirty minutes behind my schedule! I loudly groan as I make my way through the maze of bed sheets, comforters, and pillows. As soon as my feet touch the bare ground (at the precise location where I had placed my baby pink laced slippers the night before), a wave of coldness washes through me as if I were getting frostbite starting with my feet. “Slippers, where are my SLIPPERS?” I yell. I make sure to yell the “slippers” part louder so that my sister across the hall can hear. Little Jessica is seven and we pretty much hate each other. In fact, I can’t remember a time when we weren’t fighting. This is one of the pranks she likes to pull on me; she takes my slippers in the morning because she knows that I hate it when my feet get cold! Little kids! So immature! Jessica comes skipping down the hall like little red riding hood, skipping through the woods just in time to see her grandmother eaten by the wolf. This was the third time this week that she played this prank on me and I can’t believe that I forgot to check for my slippers again.

“Yes, my dear sister? What do you need?” she says in such a sweet, mocking tone, which kind of surprises me because I didn’t know someone so evil could talk that way.

“STOP TAKING MY SLIPPERS!!!” I scream at her.

“What slippers? You can’t blame me for everything Sophia.” she says with a mischievous smile and skips back out of the room. Again, so immature! I would’ve run after her, but at this point I really didn’t have the time. I walk into my bathroom and stop in my tracks. Tiny red handprints are scattered all over my bathroom floor and walls. As I trace the footprints to find the source, I open the curtains and gasp. I find my two year old baby brother sitting with his legs crossed and hands spread out wide. His hands are covered in red, just like the rest of his body. For a second, I thought it was blood and got really scared.

Then, he giggles and says, “Paint!” He recently learned that word and it seems like he’s using it everywhere he goes.

“Mom!” I shout.

A few seconds later, my mom appears saying, “What’s the problem?” She too, gasps when she sees the mess. Then, I tell her the story of how I found Tommy like this in the tub covered in red paint. She shakes her head and tells me to just take a bath in Jessica’s bathroom.

“What??? But her bathroom is super small and it’s way too bright and–”

“Honey, please it’s just one morning.” She seems tired and has black circles under her eyes.

“Fine!” I say and stomp my way over Jessica’s bathroom.

“What are you doing here? I told you I didn’t take your slippers. Just leave me alone!” she said.

“I’m not here about the slippers! Tommy made a mess in my bathroom and mom told me to use yours instead.”

“Ugh!” She says and scoots out of the way so I can open her bathroom door.

By the time I finish taking a bath in the cramped tub, I was late. I even missed the first few minutes of school. The whole day went by slowly with rigorous note-taking, tests, pop quizzes, and worksheets. During my fourth block, my teacher handed out the pop-quizzes we had taken last class. I guess my appalled face was apparent to my teacher because he said, “better luck next time Mrs. Markwelle!” I felt heat rush to my face as everyone in the class looked my way.

“I’m like the only one who got a bad grade on this quiz! I mean, I could tell it from everyone’s faces,” I told my friend.

“Don’t worry because I’m pretty sure that lots of people got worse grades than you,” she said.

“I’m not so sure,” I replied.

I get off the bus and walk down the path to my house. Then, I heard a rustling behind me and swiftly started walking backwards so that I could spot the source. I probably shouldn’t have done that because I didn’t see a rock and stumbled and fell on the ground. I scraped my knees where blood started gushing out. I walk home limping and knock on my doorbell. Jessica opens the door and I sigh in frustration. She looks at my bleeding knees and gasps.

“What happened?” She asks.

Then, the tears came out. I can’t help it. I’m devastated. This is the worst day ever! I actually answer her and tell her about my horrible day.

“Sophia,” She began, “It’s just a bad day. The only difference is that now, you have a chance to appreciate the good days even more! Oh yeah, I forgot something…” She quickly got up and jogged inside, leaving me sitting on the porch. A few seconds later, she came back with my much missed slippers in one hand.

“My slippers,” I exclaimed, “Gosh, I missed these so much, that I am actually happy to be holding slippers!” she chuckled and looked at her feet.

“Turn it over,” she said softly. I slowly turned it over and saw my name elegantly embroidered with a small note underneath it saying “to the best slipper in the world”.

“Wait…what? How did you do this?” I asked.

“Well, there was this girl in my school who offered to do it for me, which is why I took your slipper this morning.”

“Oh,” I said.

“Yeah, I did this because I wanted to make up for all the trouble I have caused you and I’m really sorry and—“

I stopped her in the middle of her sentence and gave her a huge hug. Her smile was ten miles wide. “I love you,” I said. This time, I really meant it.

The Fault in Our Thoughts
By:  Sreya Palnati
There is more to this world than grades, beauty, and gossip.  There are things that are more “pure” in the world such as friendship, kindness, and perseverance.  It feels as if the fact that we are being reminded of the same thing repeatedly wears down the actual meaning of the idea.  In the book The Fault in Our Stars, John Green has a way of presenting this idea that continues to blow my mind every time I read it. 
This author tells a delectable love story.  Although this story isn’t the stereotypical relationship, it relates to modern relationships in many ways.  For example, not everyone is perfect.  It is okay to have imperfections.  Hazel and Augustus learn to accept each other’s imperfections.  This is necessary in many of today’s relationships.  This is because people are constantly growing to be more diverse.  We are learning our own imperfections and different natural talents.  Even though I may not have uncovered any natural talents, I am still learning more about myself.  In the past few years, I have learned to accept who I am.  I learned not to be someone else, the person who I wish I was.  Hazel truly motivated me to feel this way.  She doesn’t change who she is throughout the book, even when people tell her about her limitations. 
Also, it’s okay to make small mistakes once in a while; it is not the end of your life.  Well in Hazel’s point of view, her life could end any minute.  This shows me that other people have it worse.  I shouldn’t be stressing over my small “problems” when it could be much worse.  It actually took me a while to learn this.  At one point in the summer, I realized that I was acting really spoiled and had become very lazy.  That was when I knew that I had to change my ways.  Reading this book made me realize that I was lucky just to be living.  There are people in this world who don’t sleep at night with full stomachs, people who can only take a bath every other day.   Some people have to even walk tens of miles just to get some medicine.  Now here I am in my room too lazy to go downstairs and wash my clothes.  It made me feel ashamed.  I felt as if I was taking advantage of my circumstances, which I was.  Nowadays, I take the time to appreciate what I was given.  Hazel’s delayed death allowed her to fall in love with Augustus Waters, a persistent and truly ambitious young man.  She was given a chance, a chance to start over, build up her life again.  She definitely made the right decisions and used her second chance to be happy.  She experienced things she never had before. 
I hope to someday positively impact someone’s life the way Hazel did.  I want to make them think “I sure am happy Sreya was in my life!”  I want them to know me for who I am, not somebody I made up on the top of my mind.  I want them to remember me at times of doubt, fear, and sadness.  I want them to replace those feeling with faith, hope, and happiness when they think of me.  In this book, Hazel impacted Augustus’ life in a way that I know I will probably never achieve.  She taught him that there are people in the world who care about him and stuck to her own beliefs while showing Gus the true meaning of life. 

This book shows the ups and downs of life and how we should appreciate the good things instead of being concerned with the bad things.  Just live in the moment and be thankful for what you are given.  After all, “you don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do get to choose who hurts you!”  Take advantage of that fact and just be happy!