2 thoughts on “Dr Seuss – The Butter Battle Book.pdf | BetterLesson

  1. Looking back over the past 82 years of my life I firmly believe Dr Seuss got it right

    I was born in rural south and heard what my parents wanted me to hear about people who were different. I never went home after graduating college. Some 30 years ago I went back to the area for my grandmothers funeral and found the story line had not changed one little bit.

    And just last week I was in the area and found that the threat includes the power held by the “proud boys” If you disagree you would not dare say so. If they want to walk all over you and swim in your pool and make a shooting range on your property you best let that happen too. Those proud boys feel the way they do because some black man shot a white woman and her child……for years the story was the same except raped a white woman…

    Ditto parents called the shots in their childrens lives forever until recently. Now respectful parents let go and let the child make their own life. It’s all for the better. Agencies remove children from abusive homes where they are beaten into submission etc. Thank goodness!!

    My proudest moment was taking the nonviolent discipline course when I first began teaching. I was very unpopular with the teachers non who took the course and were firm believers in the paddle which had hung on the wall in the principal’s office. Rudolf Dreikurs’ Children the Challenge had taught me a better way. It changed behavior in remarkable ways.

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