Ms. Joan Trumpauer Mulholland High School Essay Contest

2016 Loudoun County Students
Theme: “An Ordinary Hero”
Operation Uplift Foundation
Announcement of our Inaugural
Ms. Joan Trumpauer Mulholland High School Essay Contest
February 27, 2015
Awards: Three High School Awards
1st Scholarship: $250.00; 2nd Scholarship: $150.00; 3rd Scholarship: $100.00
Eligibility: The Contest is open to all high school students
Contest Opens February 27, 2016
Closes March 18, 2016

The essay must be entitled:
“An ordinary Hero”
The essay must be original and neither previously published nor secured by copyright.
The essay must be between 700 and 750 words in length.
The type-written, double-spaced essay may be submitted via postal service or email in .doc (preferred)  or .pdf format.
The following information for the contestant must appear on the first page in this manner:

Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
An Essay By: ___________________________ Home Street Address: ____________________________
City, State, Zip Code: _______________________ Name of High School: _________________________
Address of High School: _________________________________________________________________
Contest Name: Ms. Joan Trumpauer Mulholland High School Essay Contest
Name of Foundation Project: ________________ Location of Foundation: Loudoun                 

The manuscript must be postmarked or time stamped on the email not later than midnight, March 18, 2016, and sent to the FOUNDATION SPONSORING THE ESSAY CONTEST.
Foundation Address: PO BOX 1900, Leesburg, Virginia 20147 Foundation Email:

Persons submitting manuscripts thereby grant to the Operation Uplift Foundation, Inc. the right to keep the manuscripts and to exercise full publishing rights to them. Awards will be announced on or about April 27, 2016, and the decision of the judges will be final. The manuscripts must present an adequate treatment of the essay topic. Winners will be required to furnish written proof that they were enrolled in their respective high school at the time the essays were submitted. Awards will be submitted to each winner, upon written verification from high school institution that the individual is enrolled.

1.   Development of Topic/Thesis: (30 possible pts.) Topic well developed (covers and develops major points, supplying enough information for understanding)
2.   Progression: (20 possible pts.) Composition progresses from beginning to end in a logical flow of information
3.   Readability: (25 possible pts.) Concise prose that sticks to the point and does not ramble (holds reader’s attention)
4.   Grammar: (15 possible pts.) Agreement of subject and verb; proper tense; correct sentence construction; paragraphing, including transitional phrases linking same
5.   Spelling: (5 possible pts.)

6.   Punctuation: (5 possible pts.)

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