The Translator tool of Read&Write for Google Chrome uses Google Translate to provide the translation for a single word at a time in the language of your choice in a pop-up box. The icon on the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbar will turn purple and have a dot under it when the tool is on. The translation can be read aloud by speech to text by selecting the triangle next to the translated word in the box. To choose the language, select the three vertical dots on the far right of the toolbar, and select “settings,” from the drop-down menu that appears. A menu will pop up. Select “speech,” on the left hand side of that menu and scroll down a little to see the, “Translation,” heading. Use the drop-down menu to select from the available languages. At the time of this blog post’s publication, Read&Write for Google Chrome is available to every student and teacher in Loudoun County Public Schools. The translation tool will give learners quick, single word translations without having to leave Google Docs.

Translator Tool

Select a Translation Language in Read&Write for Google Chrome