Prioritizing Tasks by Adding Importance in Microsoft To-Do

Microsoft To-Do is a tool available to any staff in LCPS that invites users to create To Do Lists. Some tasks added to a list may be more important or timely than others. Users can add priority to individual tasks in a list by starring which are deemed important. Once starred, users can view all the prioritized tasks in the important smart list. Users can also sort each list by importance to have starred tasks automatically move to the top of the list. The Add steps, importance, notes, tags, and categories to your tasks website provides support for how to add importance to tasks.

This image shows a digital to-do list with columns for "Title," "Due Date," and "Importance." Each task is listed with a circle to the left, likely for marking completion. The "Importance" column uses star icons, with more stars indicating higher importance.The tasks listed are: Charge Chromebook: It's almost dead, and I'll need it in class. (High importance) Get a parent signature: For the field trip permission slip. (High importance) Clean out my backpack: Get rid of old papers and organize folders. (High importance) Write English paragraph: Finish the rough draft of my personal narrative. (Medium importance) Practice tuba: 15 minutes for band class. (Medium importance) Text Emma: Ask her about the group presentation. (Medium importance) Pack gym clothes: Bring sneakers for PE tomorrow. (Medium importance) Work on history project: Find 3 pictures for my Civil War poster. (Medium importance) Study for science quiz: Review notes on the water cycle. (Medium importance) Finish math homework: Page 42, problems 1-20. (Medium importance)

A Sample To Do List with Starred Items at the Top

The My Day Feature in Microsoft To-Do

The My Day feature in Microsoft To-Do is perfect for prioritizing what needs to be accomplished today. Each morning, users can start fresh by adding tasks from other lists or creating new ones just for the day. Unlike regular task lists, My Day resets daily, which helps users focus without feeling overwhelmed by long-term projects. Users can keep track of immediate priorities and feel a sense of achievement as each item is completed, making productivity both manageable and rewarding. The My Day and suggestions website provides support for how to get started. The video belows also provides a tutorial about how to get started.