Adding Steps to Microsoft To-Do

Microsoft To-Do is a tool available to any staff in LCPS that invites users to create To Do Lists. Tasks in Microsoft To Do can be broken down into smaller, more actionable pieces called Steps. Users can create iterative steps for each task helping them know specific actions to take to complete a task. The Add steps, importance, notes, tags, and categories to your tasks website provides support for how to get started.

This image shows a digital task list for the project "Turn in the Solar System Diorama." The list includes the main task at the top with a star icon to the right, likely for marking importance. Below are ten subtasks, each with a circle to mark completion and an "x" to the right, likely for marking tasks as done.The subtasks are: Research: Read project instructions: Review the requirements and rubric. Research planets: Find key facts about size, color, and order. Sketch the layout: Plan the design and placement of planets. List materials: Write down needed supplies like foam balls and paint. Gather materials: Collect or purchase everything on the list. Paint planets: Match colors to each planet. Assemble diorama: Arrange and glue planets in the box. Add details: Label planets and add creative touches like stars or moons. Review project: Check against the rubric for accuracy and completeness. Submit: Turn in the finished diorama on time. At the bottom is a plus sign (+) with the label "Next step," suggesting the ability to add more subtasks.

Sample Task with Steps in Microsoft To Do