Image Support in Practice Words of Reading Coach in Immersive Reader

Reading Coach is a feature of Immersive Reader by Microsoft. Reading Coach analyzes the audio of a learner reading a passage aloud and provides specific, personalized feedback to the individual including five target words to practice. The learner is then presented with words in isolation and invited to practice reading each word aloud. To help the individual learn how to decode the word, the learner has the option turn on image support which places a symbol or symbols over the text. The learner can use the image to help confirm what the word is which could help the individual learn how to read the word.

An icon of a robot next to text that reads, "When you're ready, press the microphone and read the text aloud." Below the text are two symbols. The first is someone pointing to a chart. The second is a person in front of a from pointing to a screen. Below both symbols is the word presentation. Below the word are three icons. The first is for text to speech, the second is for syllable support. The third is for image support. Centered at the bottom of the screen is a green microphone icon.

Image Support in Reading Coach

This video provides a quick demonstration of Reading Coach:

Syllable Support in Practice Words of Reading Coach in Immersive Reader

Reading Coach is a feature of Immersive Reader by Microsoft. Reading Coach analyzes the audio of a learner reading a passage aloud and provides specific, personalized feedback to the individual including five target words to practice. The learner is then presented with words in isolation and invited to practice reading each word aloud. To help the individual learn how to decode the word, the learner has the option turn on syllable support which places bullets between the syllables. This can help the learner how to break a word into component parts.

A blue robot icon with the text that reads, "When you're ready, press the microphone and read the text aloud." The word enrichment is broken into syllables with a dot between each syllable. En dot rich dot ment. There are icons below the words for text to speech, syllable support, and image support. Centered at the bottom is green microphone icon

Example of Syllable Support

This video provides a quick demonstration of Reading Coach:

Introducing Reading Coach in Immersive Reader

Microsoft has recently added a new reading fluency practice feature to Immersive Reader called Reading Coach. Using a tool that has Immersive Reader such as Microsoft Word, a learner reads a passage aloud. Reading Coach then analyzes the audio to provide specific, personalized feedback to the individual including five target words to practice. The feedback includes measure of a percentage of accuracy, time spent reading, and words read accurately per minute. Learners can keep a record of their scores and use it to document progress over time.

Reading Report 4 quadrants. Quadrant 1 = 53% Accuracy, Quadrant 2 = 44 seconds Time spent Reading, Quadrant 3 = 149 correct words per minute. Quadrant 4 = 5 words to practice. Green button that reads Practice Words.

Feedback from Reading Coach

This video provides a quick demonstration:

Syllable Markers in Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader is a literacy support tool from Microsoft. One of its many features is the ability to break words into syllables which can help a user decode, recognize, and pronounce the individual word. This video titled Improving Your Reading With Immersive Reader shows how to activate this feature along with other literacy support options.

Screenshot of words with dots between syllables

Syllable Support in Immersive Reader

Screenshot of Grammar Options in Immersive Reader

Grammar Options in Immersive Reader Including Syllable Support

Text Preferences in Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader is a literacy support tool from Microsoft. One of its many features is the ability to alter text in a variety of ways based on the preferences of the user to customize their experience. The user can increase or decrease the font size, change the font, change the spacing, and change the theme including altering background colors. Anyone can choose the combination that works best for them!

Screenshot of text preferences in Immersive Reader

Text Preferences in Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader Added to Schoology

Immersive Reader Button on a Schoology Course Page

Schoology is the primary learning management system used in Loudoun County Public Schools. A recent update added Immersive Reader to all Course pages and Schoology Course Assignments. Look for the Immersive Reader button on the top right corner to activate. The text on the Course page will open in Immersive Reader which provides a variety of functions including all of the following: 

Isolating One Row of Text At A Time Using Line Focus or Screen Masking

Highlighting one row of text at a time can help a reader focus on that text by reducing potentially distracting content. This feature is known as Line Focus in Immersive Reader and Screen Masking in Read&Write for Google Chrome.

Read&Write for Google Chrome Logo and Screen Mask Icon

Screen Mask icon in Read&Write for Google Chrome

Screenshot of Line Focus in Immersive Reader

Line Focus Settings in Immersive Reader

Line Focus in Immersive Reader

Example of Line Focus in Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader in Minecraft EDU

Minecraft EDU is a tool which provides learners with the ability to build in a sandbox environment. Learners can create anything using a robust library of building blocks. One aspect of Minecraft is creating signs for other participants to read. Participants can press the letter I on the keyboard to launch Immersive Reader which provides text to speech support for someone who might need to listen to the text displayed on the sign. This video provides a detailed description of how to use Immersive Reader in Minecraft. Have fun exploring a more inclusive virtual world using built-in tools like Immersive Reader!

Two signs in Minecraft. The first one reads This is a sign in Minecraft. Pressing I opens Immersive Reader. The second one reads Immersive Reader will read text aloud helping people decode.

Signs in Minecraft

Immersive Reader with the text Immersive Reader will read text aloud helping people decode!

The text on the sign in Minecraft displayed in Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader Integration into Nearpod

Nearpod is an interactive, multimedia presentation tool. Immersive Reader is an embedded feature created by Microsoft. Immersive Reader provides text to speech, text display options, syllable and parts of speech support, and more! Explore the integrated features that Immersive Reader provides by watching this brief video below.