Using the Accessibility Checker in Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office tools have a built-in accessibility checker. Under the Review tab is a Check Accessibility button. Check Accessibility on the ribbon Circled

Selecting the button checks the document for accessibility errors and considerations displaying suggestions about how to rectify or resolve the concerns. Consider checking every document for accessibility before publication.

Screenshot of sample of the accessibility checker displaying suggestions to add alternative text to an image of cupcakes with text above them saying Happy Birthday.

Example of suggestions from the Accessibility Checker

Accessibility checkers to learn how to design materials for everyone

Most educators do not have a background in designing and creating educational materials with accessibility in mind. An accessibility checker will catch design mistakes and guide educators through a process of how to fix them. Consistent use of an accessibility checker consistently helps people learn how to design the next material with less errors. Educators will learn from their mistakes and begin to anticipate what is needed to mitigate errors. The following video explains how to use Grackle Docs to check files created using Google Suite for accessibility errors.