Tarheel Gameplay is a website that turns videos into interactive experiences by intermittent pausing. Users search the library of activities all of which are created by other users. Once a video is selected and started, it pauses periodically. The participant then selects the button that appears on the screen either directly, by pressing a key on a keyboard (like the Enter key), or by activating a switch.
![Screenshot of the Tarheel Gameplay Library](https://blogs.lcps.org/inclusivedesign/files/2022/11/Screenshot-2022-11-17-120525-1024x480.jpg)
Tarheel Gameplay
![More button over the top of a video of 5 Little Snowmen](https://blogs.lcps.org/inclusivedesign/files/2022/11/Screenshot-2022-11-17-120500-1024x483.jpg)
More button over a video in Tarheel Gameplay.