Advancing Digital Equity for All PDF

In spring 2022, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology (OET) hosted a series of conversations with leaders from community-based organizations, as well as families and learners furthest from digital opportunities. The “Advancing Digital Equity All” PDF features insights from these conversations to highlight the barriers and outlines potential solutions for increasing access to technology for learning.

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A K-12 Inclusive Practice Guide from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) maintains a website on Inclusive Practices which provides an overview of inclusion along with an K-12 Inclusive Practices Guide available in both Microsoft Word and PDF. This guide provides information on the definition of inclusion, benefits of inclusive practices, the role of the IEP Team, common characteristics of inclusive environments, a quality standards inclusive school self-assessment tool, and much more.

Screenshot of the cover the VDOE K-12 Inclusive Practices Guide

Virginia Department of Education K-12 Inclusive Practices Guide

A Student-led Minecraft Professional Learning Experience

Students at Sterling Middle School crafted an educational experience for the Specialized Instructional Facilitators – Assistive Technology (SIF-ATs) teaching them all about how they use Minecraft EDU to support their learning. The 45 minute experience started with a brief slide show presentation presented by two students. Then students paired with each facilitator to guide them through navigating the environment, managing inventory, and building structures in a virtual world. Using what they learned, the SIF-ATs joined together to take the image displayed below as a Thank You which was sent to the student educators for helping to make a meaningful contribution to the world!

Many avatars in Minecraft standing in front of block built into the words Thank You

An Introduction to Augmentative/Alternative Communication from The Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Centers Assistive Technology Network

The Virginia Department of Education’s (VDOE) Training and Technical Assistance Centers (TTAC) have created a training site related to learning language with augmentative/alternative communication (AAC). The site shares information related to getting started, selection, and the implementation of AAC. The site busts common myths related to AAC by refuting them with evidence and research.

Assistive Technology Network

Banner for the The Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Centers Assistive Technology Network


Giving Thanks to Those Behind The Scenes

Hidden behind the walls of every building are the structural supports that provide it strength and durability. These materials work in silent determination to not let the building fall. In LCPS, there are numerous individuals working in this capacity to support the use of technology for individual students. Professionals in the Department of Digital Innovation such as Digital Experience Specialists and Endpoint Engineers work to ensure that every individual student has what they need. To all of you who work so diligently behind the scenes to provide the tools necessary for awesome instructional experiences to occur, we’re thankful for your endurance, perseverance, commitment, and support.

Meme of two people slapping high fives labeled DPS and DDI, respectively.

The Department of Pupil Services and the Department of Digital Innovation work together to support all learners.

LCPS Selected to be a CITES Knowledge Development District

Loudoun County Public Schools was selected to serve as a Knowledge Development District for the Center on Inclusive Technology & Education Systems (CITES). CITES, a technical assistance center funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, is a collaborative effort between CAST and American Institutes for Research. The goal of CITES is to develop a framework to be used by U.S. school districts to build and sustain inclusive ecosystems that break down the barriers between assistive technology, educational technology, and information technology. The CITES Framework is being co-developed with a select group of districts and built on research and evidence-based practices that enhance educational opportunities for all students, including students with disabilities and their families. The work is grounded in promising practices experienced by districts that are making progress toward building an inclusive technology ecosystem.

Specifically, LCPS was recognized for contributions in many area(s), including all of the following:

  • Building a teaching force skilled in online, distance/remote, and/or blended instruction, especially for students with disabilities
  • Implementing a common set of technology competency expectations for all staff, which include the use of accessible digital materials and assistive technology
  • Selecting and evaluating high quality accessible educational materials
  • Aligning assessment accommodations and technologies with accommodations for teaching and learning.
  • Ensuring inclusive and accessible formative assessment practices.
  • Designing and/or implementing formative assessment practices that measure competencies across academic disciplines, as well as addressing critical non-academic competencies (e.g., collaboration, critical thinking).
The Center on Inclusive Technology & Education Systems at

The Center on Inclusive Technology & Education Systems at