When first implementing an augmentative/alternative communication device to help a student learn language, the team working with that individual has many choices to make regarding initial implementation. One of those choices is whether or not to hide (mask) some of the words, choosing to reveal them in time, or to lead with all of the words revealed (unhidden). Each team making this decision does so considering the individual needs of the student. The following video shares a story of how some educators supporting one student thought through the decision by presuming potential and the resulting outcome.
Author Archives: chris.bugaj
Isolating One Row of Text At A Time Using Line Focus or Screen Masking
Highlighting one row of text at a time can help a reader focus on that text by reducing potentially distracting content. This feature is known as Line Focus in Immersive Reader and Screen Masking in Read&Write for Google Chrome.
Assuming Intention When Learning Language With Augmentative/Alternative Communication
When a person is learning language with augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) that individual might use that tool in unique ways to express a message or emotion. When an individual communicates using AAC in a way that is unexpected to the communication partner(s), an initial assumption to make is that the person did so intentionally. Watch this video which shares a story of educators presuming intentionality which supported, rather than limited, an individual’s learning of a particular language concept.
Using the Pygmalion Effect to Improve Outcomes
Evidence suggests that the attitudes and expectations people bring into an environment can impact outcomes.
This is known as the Pygmalion Effect.
The Pygmalion Effect is a phenomenon where higher expectations lead to higher performance. Our beliefs in another person lead to our actions toward them. This influences their beliefs about themselves, which impacts their actions toward us, which in turn influences our beliefs about that person. Therefore, it is important to hold high expectations for anyone being supported by another.
Watch this short video to learn more about the Pygmalion Effect.
Examples of Spontaneous Novel Utterance Generation
Learning how to combine words to spontaneously generate utterances that no one has ever heard before is an ability that comes naturally to some people. Others need consistent support to develop this ability. This ability is called Spontaneous Novel Utterance Generation (SNUG), a term crafted by Katya Hill, PhD, CCC-SLP, and Barry Romich.
“Success in life can be directly related to the ability to communicate. Full interpersonal communication substantially enhances an individual’s potential for education, employment, and independence. Therefore, it is imperative that the goal of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) use be the most effective interactive communication possible. Anything less represents a compromise of the individual’s human potential.” – Katya Hill, PhD, CCC-SLP
When one develops this ability, it becomes impossible to accurately predict what another person might say in any given situation or environment. The autonomy to say whatever you want to say, however you want to say it, is the ultimate goal when it comes to expressive language development. In the video below, learners show off examples of how they say sentences that no one could have predicted given the situation demonstrating their ability to spontaneously generate novel utterances.
A Strategy for Learning To Describe Anything
One strategy to help learners understand a particular concept is to systematically describe the salient features of that concept. Asking oneself a series of questions provides that individual with a system for how to understand the concept. Some sample questions might be as follows:
- What does it look, smell, taste, and/or feel like?
- What is it made out of it?
- Where does it come from?
- Where can it be found?
- What does it do?
- How is it used?
- What else do we know about it?
These questions can also be paired with colors, icons, and tactile symbols (like beads, 3D printed objects, or other materials) to provide a multimodal experience to help learners remember what to ask themselves. Placing the symbols in order, such as on a string or dowel, helps organize thinking into sequence helping to improve recall.
Watch the short video below to learn about one example of the implementation of this type of strategy.
Using the Least Dangerous Assumption to Inform Practice
A guiding principle to help us presume potential is called The Least Dangerous Assumption, originally crafted by Anne Donnellan.
The Least Dangerous Assumption is an inclusive approach to educational policy and pedagogy. It holds that in the absence of conclusive data, educational decisions should be based on assumptions that, if incorrect, will least likely limit the student. – Adapted from Donnellan, A. (1984). The criterion of the least dangerous assumption. Behavioral Disorders, 9, 141-150.
Simply put, if you don’t have enough information to make a decision pertaining to an intervention, choose the option that is least likely to limit the potential of the individual.
Watch this video featuring LCPS’s Assistive Technology Specialist Christopher Bugaj which describes the Least Dangerous Assumption.
A Student-led Minecraft Professional Learning Experience
Students at Sterling Middle School crafted an educational experience for the Specialized Instructional Facilitators – Assistive Technology (SIF-ATs) teaching them all about how they use Minecraft EDU to support their learning. The 45 minute experience started with a brief slide show presentation presented by two students. Then students paired with each facilitator to guide them through navigating the environment, managing inventory, and building structures in a virtual world. Using what they learned, the SIF-ATs joined together to take the image displayed below as a Thank You which was sent to the student educators for helping to make a meaningful contribution to the world!
A Tool to Help Describe Words Using Familiar Vocabulary
Rewordify.com is a website that simplifies English text. Copy and paste the text to simplify into the website and it will define all of the difficult words! Here is some text from The National Archives describing the Marshall Plan:
“As the war-torn nations of Europe faced famine and economic crisis in the wake of World War II, the United States proposed to rebuild the continent in the interest of political stability and a healthy world economy. On June 5, 1947, in a commencement address at Harvard University, Secretary of State George C. Marshall first called for American assistance in restoring the economic infrastructure of Europe. Western Europe responded favorably, and the Truman administration proposed legislation. The resulting Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 restored European agricultural and industrial productivity. Credited with preventing famine and political chaos, the plan later earned General Marshall a Nobel Peace Prize.”
Here is how rewordify.com changed it:
The text has been changed to provide enough information to increase comprehension of more difficult words and phrases. Give it a try!
Highlighting Which Words To Model During Shared Reading Experiences
A strategy to help individuals learn language using augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) is to provide Partner Augmented Input (also known as Aided Language Stimulation). This means the communication partners model language by using the same form of AAC as the student with whom they are communicating. This short video explains the idea.
When participating in literacy experiences, like reading a book together, it can be difficult to model every word in the story. Focusing the modeling on words which are used most frequently is a way to target meaningful vocabulary. However, for a communication partner who is just learning about AAC, it can still be difficult to know which words to model.
Highlighting frequently used words in the text, providing an alternative version with words highlighted, or adapting the book to paste in the highlighted text are strategies that can help. Highlighter tape over text or sticky notes near text can illustrate which words to model.
Sticky notes placed on pages of a storybook to help communication partners know which words to model using augmentative/alternative communication (AAC)