Adding Tags to a Task in Microsoft To Do

Microsoft To-Do is a tool available to any staff in LCPS that invites users to create To Do Lists. Tasks can be organized across different lists by adding hashtags (like #science or #theater) to the task name. Tags can be added when creating or editing a task. A user can review all the tasks, notes, and steps that share a tag by selecting that tag or searching for it in the search bar. The Add steps, importance, notes, tags, and categories to your tasks website provides support and an example for how to create tags.

This image shows a digital task management system with a list of tasks organized by different categories.At the top, there are tabs for "My Day," "List," "Sort," "Group," and "Suggestions." The current view is "My Day" and displays the date as Thursday, January 24th. There's an option to "Add a task" on the left. The main section shows a list of tasks with columns for "Title," "Due Date," and "Importance." Each task has a circle next to it, likely for marking it as complete. Importance is represented by star icons, with more stars indicating higher importance. The listed tasks include: Email Ms. Jones about extra credit opportunities. (High importance, tagged #SchoolTasks #Communication) Update group presentation slides. (Medium importance) Finish algebra homework. (Medium importance, tagged #Math #Homework) Submit college application. (Medium importance, tagged #College #Deadline) Practice guitar. (Medium importance, tagged #Music #Extracurricular) Charge laptop. (Medium importance, tagged #Tech #Prep) Pack gym bag. (Medium importance, tagged #PE #Sports) Draft essay for English. (Medium importance, tagged #English #Writing) On the right side of the image, there's a panel with options to add details to a task, such as: Add step Added to My Day Remind me Add due date Repeat Pick a category Add file Add note This interface allows users to create, organize, and manage their tasks efficiently.

Organize Tasks By Adding Hashtags

Adding a Note to a Task in Microsoft To Do

Microsoft To-Do is a tool available to any staff in LCPS that invites users to create To Do Lists. If a user has any extra information they’d like to add to a specific task, they can add a note to the bottom. Select the task to open detail view and tap or click within the note to select it. Once selected, a user can enter any extra information to help accomplish the task. The Add steps, importance, notes, tags, and categories to your tasks website provides support for how to add notes to a task.

A screenshot of a task in a task management application. The task is titled "Write English paragraph: Finish the rough draft of my personal narrative." A star icon is next to the task title. Below the task title are several icons with accompanying text labels:+ Add step: A plus sign icon. Added to My Day: A sun icon. Remind me: A bell icon. Add due date: A calendar icon. Repeat: A curved arrow icon. Pick a category: A folder icon. Add file: A paperclip icon. Below the icons, there is additional text: Teacher said I could use LucidChart, Canva, Google Docs, Word, or anything else I want to create the draft. Remember to listen to the rough draft using Read&Write for Google Chrome. The text "Updated a few seconds ago" is displayed at the bottom.

A Sample of a Note Added to a Specific Task in Microsoft To Do

New Text to Speech Voices in Read&Write for Google Chrome

Read&Write for Google Chrome, a literacy support extension available to anyone in LCPS, has been updated to include an array of new voices from which learners can choose. Invite learners to explore the new voices to choose the one that works best for them in any given situation. Educators can literally support student Voice and Choice! The new voices can be found by opening the toolbar and selecting Settings then Speech. 

The image shows the Settings menu for the Read&Write software. The menu is divided into two columns. The left column lists the following sections: Profiles, General, Speech, Prediction, Check It, Screen Masking, Talk&Type, Rewordify, Language, Features, Accounts, and About. The right column displays the settings for the "Speech" section, which include options for Voice, Speed, Reading, Speak As I Type, and Translation. The "texthelp" logo is located at the bottom left corner of the menu.

Read&Write for Google Chrome Speech Options

Users can then choose Change voice to explore the various voices. 

This image shows the "Speech" settings menu within the Read&Write software.  The menu is divided into two columns. The left column lists various setting categories including "Profiles," "General," "Speech," "Prediction," "Check It," "Screen Masking," "Talk&Type," "Rewordify," "Language," "Features," "Accounts," and "About."The right column displays the "Speech" settings with the following options:

Select voice: A search bar to find voices.
Filter options: Radio buttons to filter voices by "All," "Offline," and "AI enhanced."
Voice list: A list of available voices with checkmarks to indicate selection and play buttons to preview the voice. Voices listed include various English options with some marked as "Offline."
The "texthelp" logo is located in the bottom left corner of the menu.

Read&Write for Google Chrome Change Voice Menu

Use the black arrow to listen to a sample and then select the voice itself to make a selection. Whether listening to text written by someone else or editing their own work, each learner can choose what works best for them.

Converting Text to an MP3 File with Audio Maker in Read&Write for Google Chrome

Learners can listen to learn by using turning text into an audio file. The Audio Maker tool in Read&Write for Google Chrome creates a speech to text MP3 file using text in a Google Doc or on a website. That file can then be played just like music or an audiobook. Click and drag to highlight the text to be turned into the MP3 file. Click the Audio Maker icon to create the file. A box will appear with a progress bar to show when the file is finished. To access the file, select the recent downloads button in the upper right hand corner of the browser window. The MP3 file can then be shared via Google Drive and listened to on any device where Google Drive is available. At the time of this blog post’s publication, Read&Write for Google Chrome is available to every student and teacher in Loudoun County Public Schools. 

Screenshot of Creating Audio box that appears when the Audio Maker tool is selected

The Audio Maker tool of Read&Write for Google Chrome Creating Audio

Translate Single Words Using the Translate Tool in Read&Write for Google Chrome

The Translator tool of Read&Write for Google Chrome uses Google Translate to provide the translation for a single word at a time in the language of your choice in a pop-up box. The icon on the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbar will turn purple and have a dot under it when the tool is on. The translation can be read aloud by speech to text by selecting the triangle next to the translated word in the box. To choose the language, select the three vertical dots on the far right of the toolbar, and select “settings,” from the drop-down menu that appears. A menu will pop up. Select “speech,” on the left hand side of that menu and scroll down a little to see the, “Translation,” heading. Use the drop-down menu to select from the available languages. At the time of this blog post’s publication, Read&Write for Google Chrome is available to every student and teacher in Loudoun County Public Schools. The translation tool will give learners quick, single word translations without having to leave Google Docs.

Screenshot of Translator tool showing the word Puzzle translated into Spanish

Translator Tool

Screenshot of Speech Settings of Read&Write for Google Chrome with Translation tool circled

Select a Translation Language in Read&Write for Google Chrome

Hovering Over Suggestions to Have Them Read Aloud Using the Check It Feature of Read&Write for Google Chrome

The Check It feature of Read&Write for Google Chrome extension checks writing for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and common word confusion errors. When activated, it will create a purple underline under potential errors. This works in addition to built-in spell checking or grammar checking software in the word processing software, appearing above or below any underlines that software may generate. It will also generate a list of suggested corrections. These corrections can be read out loud by Read&Write for Google Chrome if the user turns on the “Read Check It suggestions on hover” option in settings.

On the far right of the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbar, select the 3 horizontal dots and then select, “Settings.” On the left side of the menu that opens, select “Check It.” Then check the box next to, “Read Check It suggestions on hover.” At the time of this blog post’s publication, Read&Write for Google Chrome is available to every student and teacher in Loudoun County Public Schools. This feature could be added to an editing process to improve writing.

Read&Write for Google Chrome settings screenshot displaying the Read Check It suggestions on hover checkbox in the Check It tab

Read Check It suggestions on hover

Outlining Narrative Elements with a Mindmap Using Lucid

One strategy to organize elements of a traditional outline is mind mapping. Starting with a central idea, such as a core theme or main character, a mind map demonstrates connections by branching out in different directions. Each branch can represent a character arc, a plot point, setting details, or any aspect of a related detail to create a visualization demonstrating relationships among narrative elements. 

Whether outlining a novel, screenplay, or even a short story, this approach lets you see the big picture while zooming in on intricate narrative threads. By the end, the mind map not only serves as a roadmap for the writing journey but also as a visual storyboard that captures the essence of the narrative vision. Lucid is one tool available in Loudoun County Public Schools that can be used to create mind maps. Lucid provides templates to get you started, like this one titled Sample Mind Map.

A screenshot of a digital mind map. A central node labeled "Main Idea" has three branches extending from it, each with sub-branches and icons. The branches appear to represent different aspects or categories related to the main idea. Text within the nodes is partially visible, suggesting brainstorming or idea development.

Mind map

Empowering Communication: A First-Grade Teacher’s Journey Through Coaching

Danielle Sullivan, a first-grade general education teacher at Countryside Elementary School, was one of several educators to complete a six-session Communication Partner Coaching experience, focused on increasing her abilities to teach language using augmentative/alternative communication (AAC). Through this coaching cycle, Ms. Sullivan practiced improving her skills at implementing a specific strategy used to model language using AAC to provide learners with more opportunities to experience specific vocabulary in meaningful ways. In addition, she incorporated AAC into whole group lessons, embraced AAC during literacy instruction, and advocated for a whole school professional development session for ALL Countryside staff to learn more about AAC. This experience highlights the power of intentional coaching in building inclusive learning environments where all students can communicate and thrive. Any staff member in LCPS can participate in this six-session coaching experience. To learn more about how to get started, contact the Specialized Instructional Facilitator – Assistive Technology or the Assistive Technology Specialist

Learn more about what Ms. Sullivan had to say by experiencing the video titled A First-Grade Teacher’s Testimonial on Participating in Coaching.

Checking for Errors Using the Check It Tool

The Check It feature of Read&Write for Google Chrome extension checks writing for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and common word confusion errors. When activated, it will create a purple underline under potential errors. This works in addition to built-in spell checking or grammar checking software in the word processing software, appearing above or below any underlines that software may generate.

The Check It tool will be a black check mark inside of a black circle on the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbar. Select this icon to turn the tool on. The check mark and circle will turn purple, and a dot will appear under it. The document will automatically be checked for errors. Select the icon again to turn off the tool. At the time of this blog post’s publication, Read&Write for Google Chrome is available to every student and teacher in Loudoun County Public Schools. Learners could use this tool as an additional support during the editing process. The video titled Read&Write for Google Chrome – Check It Overview describes how to use this feature of the toolbar.


Comparing Attributes with a Two-set Venn Diagram Using Canva

Creating a visual representation to compare attributes can significantly enhance the clarity and understanding of complex information. Canva is one tool available in Loudoun County Public Schools which invites users to design a two-set Venn diagram that effectively illustrates similarities and differences between two categories. With Canva, customize colors, add text labels, and adjust sizes to ensure your diagram matches your specific needs. Whether you’re a learner preparing a research project or a professional delivering a presentation, leveraging Canva’s tools for Venn diagrams can elevate your ability to communicate complex comparisons effectively. To learn more, visit Canva’s webpage on creating Venn Diagrams.

Venn Diagram Template in Canva