Adding Tags to a Task in Microsoft To Do

Microsoft To-Do is a tool available to any staff in LCPS that invites users to create To Do Lists. Tasks can be organized across different lists by adding hashtags (like #science or #theater) to the task name. Tags can be added when creating or editing a task. A user can review all the tasks, notes, and steps that share a tag by selecting that tag or searching for it in the search bar. The Add steps, importance, notes, tags, and categories to your tasks website provides support and an example for how to create tags.

This image shows a digital task management system with a list of tasks organized by different categories.At the top, there are tabs for "My Day," "List," "Sort," "Group," and "Suggestions." The current view is "My Day" and displays the date as Thursday, January 24th. There's an option to "Add a task" on the left. The main section shows a list of tasks with columns for "Title," "Due Date," and "Importance." Each task has a circle next to it, likely for marking it as complete. Importance is represented by star icons, with more stars indicating higher importance. The listed tasks include: Email Ms. Jones about extra credit opportunities. (High importance, tagged #SchoolTasks #Communication) Update group presentation slides. (Medium importance) Finish algebra homework. (Medium importance, tagged #Math #Homework) Submit college application. (Medium importance, tagged #College #Deadline) Practice guitar. (Medium importance, tagged #Music #Extracurricular) Charge laptop. (Medium importance, tagged #Tech #Prep) Pack gym bag. (Medium importance, tagged #PE #Sports) Draft essay for English. (Medium importance, tagged #English #Writing) On the right side of the image, there's a panel with options to add details to a task, such as: Add step Added to My Day Remind me Add due date Repeat Pick a category Add file Add note This interface allows users to create, organize, and manage their tasks efficiently.

Organize Tasks By Adding Hashtags