Learners at Lovettsville Elementary School engaged in an experience where they explored augmentative/alternative communication. Led by Specialized Instructional Facilitator – Assistive Technology, John Millar, and supported by an ensemble of other educators, students explored the Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning: Words for Life application. The students learned how the app was organized, explored how to find words, and discussed what it means to be a supportive communication partner to their peers who are using the application to help them learn language. What follows are actual quotes from those who participated:
“It must be really hard if you can’t communicate with words. This helped the kids use THEIR voice. One day they’ll be better at talking, but for now, these devices really help them.” – Mario, 5th Grade

Mr. Millar demonstrates the Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning: Words For Life app
“I thought it was really fun. I had a great experience with the kids. I felt like it was good for someone in their school to be able to help them. I think they felt like they were happy to have older kids hang out with them.” – Mario, 5th Grade

Communication partners explore language on AAC together.
If you’re interested in leading a similar event, reach out to the Specialized Instructional Facilitator – Assistive Technology who works at your school!