Keyboard Access and Visual Focus Indicators Video

Office of Civil Rights LogoThe U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights provides a video series on a variety of topics related to digital access in education, including how people with disabilities use technology along with identifying and remediating barriers to access. This short video explores fundamental concepts behind how some people might access materials using a keyboard and utilize visual focus indicators.

How Some People With Disabilities Use Technology Video

Office of Civil Rights LogoThe U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights provides a video series on a variety of topics related to digital access in education, including how people with disabilities use technology along with identifying and remediating barriers to access. This six minute video shares real-life examples of how some learners and parents with disabilities access and utilize technology to have an equitable experience.

Dual Highlighting of Text to Speech in MackinVia

MackinVia, a tool available in Loudoun County Public Schools, provides books with a built-in text to speech function which also features dual highlighting. This means the sentence being read aloud is highlighted yellow while the words being spoken are highlighted in grey. The dual highlighting invites learners to follow along with their eyes. MackinVia is available through LCPS Go and as an app in the Google Play Store on Chromebooks.

Screenshot of a page from Black Beauty in Mackinvia with the first sentence highlighted in yellow and specific words highlighted in grey.

Screenshot of dual highlighting in Mackinvia

Completing Equations Using the Prediction Feature of EquatIO

The prediction feature of the Google Chrome extension EquatIO invites users to begin to generate an equation and then choose from options to complete that equation. Select the EquatIO extension. When the toolbar opens at the bottom of the screen, select the Equation Editor and begin typing any mathematical or scientific equation. EquatIO will display options of that the equation. The following video is a short demonstration of how the prediction feature works in EquatIO. At the time this blog post’s publication, EquatIO is available to every learner in Loudoun County Public Schools.