Godzilla vs. Kong was released March 31st, 2021 in theaters and on the streaming platform HBO Max. Godzilla vs. Kong is the sequel to the movie Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Some of the well-known actors featured in the movie include Millie Bobby Brown, who is well known for the hit show Stranger Things. Alexander Skarsgård, who is a Golden Globe Award winner, is also featured in the movie. The movie currently has a 6.6/10 on IMDb and a 75% on Rotten Tomatoes.
I think sequels are never better than the original movie. The only acceptable movie I have watched that had a sequel is Frozen 2. When I mean sequels, I’m describing a movie series that has 1-3 films in total. When I sat down to watch Godzilla vs. Kong, I didn’t have high hopes for the movie. Considering it was a sequel, I already knew I was not going to like it as much as the original movie. One of the main characters in this movie was a young girl. She wasn’t able to hear anything because she was deaf. What confused me was why they would let her go alone to see Kong in his sanctuary. I guess she had “powers,” but regardless of that, why is she allowed to go out alone? There were other people in the sanctuary with her, but not around her. I just thought that was super irresponsible. Also, the plot was very basic at best. I understand the company called Apex Cybernetics was a main part of the plot, but it was hard to follow, and I found myself getting lost easily. I also felt as if the storyline was rushed a little bit. Many different storylines were going on at the same time, aside from the main plot. Madison Russell, who was a main character of the first movie Godzilla: King of the Monsters, was only a minor role in this movie, which confused me. I would not watch it again, but if you saw the first movie, I would suggest watching the sequel because there was really good character development from the first movie to the end of the sequel. Besides that, there weren’t too many other errors in the movie that were brought to my attention. In spite of being a sequel, it wasn’t too bad of a movie. I would give it 3/5 stars.