As a result of the COVID-19 restrictions, many high school sports have experienced changes or even cancellations. In this 2020-2021 athletic season, all of our Heritage athletics are taking safety precautions. Our own Heritage winter track team is one of the many teams undergoing changes this year. Prior to the Coronavirus outbreak, the track team would hold practices on the track and in the weight room, while competitions would be held at indoor track facilities, or other Loudoun County high schools. This season, many changes have been implemented into practices and track meets. Before attending practices, all athletes must have their temperature checked, then wash their hands before heading to the track. During practices and meets, masks must be worn at all times. Different from previous seasons, all regular season winter track meets will be held at the newly built Lightridge High School in Aldie. At Lightridge, each team is assigned a section in the bleachers for social distancing.

Another surprise about this track season is that the high jump will not be allowed in track meets. Because of the high jump mat being an area where athletes have to land with their whole body, it could be a risk for spreading the coronavirus. Once all of the regular season meets have concluded, a high school in Loudoun County will host our district meet, then a high school in our region will host the regional meet. The only meet this year that will be held at an indoor track is the state meet at Liberty University. Despite the many changes made to enforce social distancing, our athletes continue to work hard and enjoy their sports.