When a picture has noise it means that it has these little grains on the picture and it make the quality of the picture bad.  

This occurs when you take a picture with a high ISO, usually 6400+ and it varies on some cameras. It it most common in night/dark photography because usually you need more light at night.

Image result for Noise

This is a comparison between a clear and noisy image. To avoid a noisy image you want to try to shoot at a low ISO and use a lower shutter speed until the image is clear.


 How to hold a camera the correct way

Over the course of my photography experience I have witnessed people holding a DSLR the wrong way. This of course bothers and scare me because they are holding 1000k+ in equipment. The correct way to hold a camera is: Use your right hand to hold the right side of the camera in case you need to fix any settings and use your left hand to hold the lens, placing the hand on the lens helps you zoom in or out and it helps with manual focus. (The picture above demonstrates the correct way to hold a camera)


 iPhone X

Should you shoot on an iPhone X?

Over the years, Apple has released more than 10 phones, each year making them better. Apple really hit it off in 2016 when they released the iPhone 7/7 plus and introduced portrait mode on the 7 plus.

Portrait mode allows you to capture a picture making it look like a professional picture. In my opinion the quality is good and If your budget does not allow you to buy a professional camera then an iPhone is a great way to start.


 Portrait Mode on iPhone X

Basic Settings to Shoot on a Canon

I find it better to shoot manual(M) but that’s just one of many setting to choose. Find the one that best fits for you. Lets get started.

  1. Shutter speed: The shutter speed lets you control how fast or slow you want to capture a picture. The higher it is the slower it will close, if its lower it will close fast. If you want to catch someone in action (running, jumping, falling) a lower speed is better. A high shutter speed will help for someone standing still because it takes longer.

  2. ISO: The ISO is simple: The lower it is the darker the picture, and the higher it is the lighter the picture. If you have a really high ISO then the picture will be noisy.

  3. F-stop: This is found in between the shutter speed and ISO, it has an “F” and a number. The lower the number the less objects it will focus on. For example if you wanted to take a picture of a group the f-stop would be higher.

  4. lighting settings: On the picture you can see “AWB” when you click on it it gives you various options depending on the lighting you will want to choose one. EX: Tungsten- Yellow light Fluorescent: White light AWB- Auto Settings (On some cameras, K- dark indoor lighting, used for concerts and other similar events.