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I find it better to shoot manual(M) but that’s just one of many setting to choose. Find the one that best fits for you. Lets get started.
Shutter speed: The shutter speed lets you control how fast or slow you want to capture a picture. The higher it is the slower it will close, if its lower it will close fast. If you want to catch someone in action (running, jumping, falling) a lower speed is better. A high shutter speed will help for someone standing still because it takes longer.
ISO: The ISO is simple: The lower it is the darker the picture, and the higher it is the lighter the picture. If you have a really high ISO then the picture will be noisy.
F-stop: This is found in between the shutter speed and ISO, it has an “F” and a number. The lower the number the less objects it will focus on. For example if you wanted to take a picture of a group the f-stop would be higher.
lighting settings: On the picture you can see “AWB” when you click on it it gives you various options depending on the lighting you will want to choose one. EX: Tungsten- Yellow light Fluorescent: White light AWB- Auto Settings (On some cameras, K- dark indoor lighting, used for concerts and other similar events.