October 9th marked the third year for Junkenstein’s Revenge, the inaugural Halloween event for the hero shooter game Overwatch. Every year this event comes with the limited time event called Junkenstein’s Revenge. It is a PvE (Player vs. Environment) horde mode where 4 players must protect a door from the onslaught of Professor Junkenstein and his creations. Junkenstein will send his minions which will act as bosses to defeat while killing the normal waves of enemies that stack upon the bosses will try to kamikaze on the door making it increasingly difficult to juggle all the enemies at once. There are also tires made by Professor Junkenstein that will speed through everything and head straight to the door to try and damage it. If the door takes too much damage to the minions and tires it will collapse ending with the fail of the mission. Another way to fail is if all 4 teammates die to bosses, minions, and tires. This mission can be played in 4 different difficulties Normal, Hard, Epic, Legendary. But, if all waves are survived and players defeat the final battle where players must fight all the bosses at once with more enemies and tires spawning than before than they will succeed and complete the event. There is also another way to play called Junkenstein’s endless, in this mode once players survive the regular amount of waves required to finish an event they will be thrusted into bonus waves where everything will become 10x harder.
Like any other Overwatch event it is not complete without it’s skins. This time around the Halloween skins were more detailed and innovated than ever before. For example the enchanted armor skin for the hero Pharah which is controlled by a ghost so when the hero dies the armor clutters to the floor as if the ghost controlling had disappeared. Another new skin is Jack-O-Lantern for Hammond aka. Wrecking Ball his skin was changed in that his suit of armor becomes a pumpkin that instead of shooting bullets shoot candy.
So come join the Overwatch community and enjoy the spooky festivities of Junkenstein’s Revenge.
Enchanted Armor (Pharah)
Jack-O-Lantern (Hammond aka. Wrecking Ball)