Gmod Rp Story

So last weekend I was bored and a couple friends and I jumped onto Gmod to mess around.  We stumbled onto a Hogwarts Rp server to just meme around and this is what happened.  This happened within like 30-35 mins and I didn’t know what else to write.

When I first joined the server I named myself “Muy Malo Malfoy” just as a random joke and immediately after entering the school and getting sorted by the sorting hat (got Hufflepuff btw can I get an F) I was interrogated by admins of the server because I had a name that related to the books because it was referring to the Malfoy Family.  They told me to change it but I didn’t know how because it was my first time on the server and I kept telling them this and they kept getting more angry and I got a 12 hour ban.  But, thankfully my friends went and found another admin and told them what happened.  So I got unbanned and rejoined and was given the name Gary Promotiono (this is important later on).

First thing me and my friends decided to do was explore.  We walked around and we found a bridge that takes you to Hagrid’s hut and the Dark Forest.  When we started to go across the bridge though there was a lock down at Hogwarts and if you weren’t back in time and you are caught out and about it is a small ban (they have some really strict admins but some also don’t really care).  Me and my friends decide whatever lets just not get caught cause we wouldn’t know how to get to our house rooms anyways.  We make it halfway across the bridge and Hagrid shows up and tells us to go back to the school so we head back but I hide around a corner and when Hagrid passes by me I run across the bridge to his hut.

When I reached his hut there were 2 other guys walking around I assume they are also running around when they shouldn’t be out it turns out they are snatchers and they kidnap me with handcuffs and they drag me into the dark forest.  Normally you aren’t allowed to go into there or you get a certain time ban as well but since I was getting kidnapped I didn’t have a choice.  They took me to a graveyard and put me up for sale, at first they put me up for around 25,000 Galleons but when I said that made me feel special they dropped it to 10,000.  My friends said they couldn’t come get me cause there were other snatchers in the dark forest and we didn’t know any spells cause we just joined the server and they didn’t have the funds to release me.  But, remember when I said remember the name I was given Garry Promotiono well apparently there are families in the Rp and the head of the Promotiono family was on and he came and bought me and let me free.  I thought the snatchers would get mad but they didn’t and I realized it was because in the end they still got 10,000 Galleons.

I did some other stuff too that day but that was probably the most interesting thing that happened also it was my first experience on the server.  Other than that I just went around did what you are supposed to do which is to go to classes and collect homework to get experience so you can become a second year and learn spells in class.

Image result for Gmod Hogwarts

State of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

(I would put a pic of someone using hacks but it has guns and stuff that are kinda realistic so enjoy this sponge bob pic instead)

So I don’t really play a lot of Counter Strike: Global Offensive and when I do I just meme around and i’m no expert.  My competitive rank is Gold Nova 4 in CS:GO so pretty average.  But, I know ever since CS:GO went free there has been a spike in cheaters and the community is not all too happy about.  Now I understand why CS:GO went free to play and added a battle royale cause they were trying to get more new players by riding the wave of battle royales.  Even though CS:GO has a very loyal community and is still has one of the biggest Esports scenes it doesn’t get many new players, it’s pretty obvious.  But they should have realized that with making the game free people were just gonna cheat so much more, because people would just make new steam accounts and play the game and if they get banned just make a new one.  They tried to counteract this by implementing a Prime System in which you only play with other people that also have Prime.  To get prime you have to either achieve a certain level (which my main account is barely past), have bought the game previously, or buy Prime.  But again this isn’t the smartest thing cause the whole point of this is too get a new generation and a new audience to try CS:GO but when they decide to try it out cause it’s free and they play a game for the first time and everyone is cheating that kind of deters them from playing anymore and ruins the point, and even if they like the game they pretty much still have to spend money to play because playing without Prime the game is even worse.  It’s like their whole point was to get more people but all the new people are being scared away by hackers.  I had played against a few hackers before just because unless you are kind of new and a bit of a dummy you probably won’t get banned for hacking in CS:GO even if you are cheating with a prime account cause most people won’t think you aren’t hacking if it isn’t blatant because of the false sense of security prime gives.  I never thought it was that bad because well in my experience most hackers wouldn’t be using everything they can and if they did everything as scaled down so they don’t get banned.

So a while back I wanted to see what the game would be like to new players so I made a new steam account got some hacks from a forum website for hackers and got some fairly new and not as public hacks so I knew it wouldn’t be detected by the in game hack detection system called VAC (which is practically useless).  I only used wall hacks just to see if anyone else was cheating but turns out I didn’t even need that is was so obvious who was hacking.  Most of the games just ended up being a coin toss between which team had higher quality hacks and who had more hackers.  The thing that was most annoying is something that I’ve been told is called spinbotting which I had never personally experienced before this.  It is where you set your aimbot to its max and increase the range of its detection and then put your sensitivity up and just run around jumping in circles trying to make it impossible to hit you while also instantly killing anyone the second they peek to shoot.  I had never experienced anything close to this because for one in kill cams it is very easy to see who has hacks if their aimbot is too sensitive because the cross hair will move irregularly also people who have aimbots usually make it so the aimbot can only detect enemies on their crosshair not their entire screen because if multiple people come at you may try to shoot one person but your aimbot won’t kill them and move to another person instead, also the spinning is very obvious and would get you banned very quick in a Prime match.  However in a game with people that only have free accounts the game doesn’t care, I’ve seen people that use hacks that give a link to the website to download the hacks they have every time they get a kill or die and they don’t get banned.

Pretty much the hackers make the game unplayable if you don’t have Prime and even with Prime its still likely you will encounter someone who at least has wall hacks every game or two.  I understand where the team behind CS:GO were thinking with this idea to make it free, add battle royale, and make a prime system.  But, I think it was poorly executed and they should have spent more time refining it because no it is going to be very difficult if they want to fix the current state of the game.


Dragon Ball Legends

Today i’m gonna talk about another mobile game, Dragon Ball Legends.  This game opposed to the other mobile game I did brawl stars, I have a lot more experience in it.  It is a 3d fighting game with the characters from popular anime series Dragon Ball.

Personally I enjoy the game I feel like it is not too grindy and someone who doesn’t pay can obtain the same things as someone who does without making it nearly impossible.  Most characters are available to get for good amounts of time and usually come back in some way or another and each character is unique with special animations for their attacks and other abilities.  Also the main base character which you start the game with has many different customizations you can change his costume, special abilities, and his transformations.  The game play itself is also very satisfying with three characters to play with in every battle and tons of ways for you to defeat your opponent.  There is a large story that can be played on normal or hard mode.  Along with tons of special events to help you get resources, money, or characters.  There is also training equipment and adventures that can be used so you can gain experience for characters and resources even when not actively playing the game.  There is also a pvp, though I find the game play itself very fun I think the matchmaking is a little off.  The matchmaking is based of your rank which always begins at zero every season and your characters level and power have no factor which they should because any new player is able to hop into pvp and in the beginning it will be nearly impossible for them to rank up after a certain rank because most people after that rank will play enough that they are much more leveled and more powerful than them.  So your rank cuts off at a certain rank depending on you power because you will pretty much need to be a certain power level to ever win against those people, and when playing in a competitive mode I expect to be the rank that best represents my skill not how much I play the game and how powerful my characters are.  If a factor in matchmaking was your characters and their level and power than I think the ranks would be a much better indication of a players skill. The only other thing in that game that I dislike is that energy takes a long time to regenerate like 15 mins for each bar and you can only have 10 at a time, so once you are out it takes 2 and a half hours or 150 minutes to fully regenerate.  With each battle costing 1 to 2 bars of energy when you feel like playing a bunch you are really held back.  You can use special crystals that are used to summon new characters or use up your energy tanks that holds an extra up to 99 energy that is filled with 3 energy everytime your account levels up which isn’t much.

Other than those two things I think the game is really fun and it allows for many different ways to play.  The game is fun even if you just play every once in a while because you can still be in par with the people that play a lot because it isn’t really grindy.  I would recommend everyone to try it out because I personally enjoy it a lot it’s nice to play every once in a while when you have nothing else to do or you are waiting for something.

Image result for Dragon Ball Legends

Borderlands 2

Image result for borderlands 1 and 2Recently I revisited a franchise that I really like when I used to play on the Xbox 360, Borderlands.  Back on the 360 I had the first Borderlands and when I began PC gaming I actually bought the 2nd installment Borderlands 2 but for some reason I never played it. Over winter break I decided to try it out again, I think I didn’t play it for so long because I thought it was kind of old and outdated.  But, when I started playing I really enjoyed it.  I loved how you could totally customize how you play the game with class mods and skill trees to give boosts to certain aspects of your character and allow them to have certain abilities.  The gun play was also really satisfying I loved trying out new weapons with different elemental burns and especially rare and unique weapons that were totally different than everything else. It reminded me a little bit of one of my favorite games ever Destiny and Destiny 2 and I think the Destiny franchise could even learn a little from Borderlands. I would definitely play a Borderlands 3 but sadly I don’t think gearbox the makers of Borderlands are going to make one. 

My experience with Overwatch Competitive

I’ve been playing Overwatch for multiple years at this point ever since the closed beta.  Over the past year my love for the game has diminished to the point where I don’t really enjoy playing it.  Now when I play Overwatch it is to play my seven weekly competitive games so I can maintain my rank for the game, which I don’t even always do anymore.  Overwatch for me used to be a really fun game that I could always play and enjoy now now the game feels watered down and isn’t close to being as fun for me and I want to find out why so I think I should start at the beginning.

How my Overwatch journey began was one of my friends at the time had a beta account and he let me play on it because I saw game play of the it and wanted to try it out myself.  So till the full release I would share it with him. In the beta I came to love the game and would play every second when my friend wasn’t online and I had free time. When the game officially came out I really wanted to get it but I wasn’t able to so I would move on a different friends account, I would play on their only for a little while till I got my own account.

When I finally did get my own account about a year after the game officially released I jumped straight into competitive with my friend.  That was a bad decision because at the time my friend was in the upper 5% of players so everyone there was way better than anything I had experienced.  Even though I wasn’t absolutely terrible it was my first time playing in a more competitive atmosphere compared to the casual quick play where people would mostly just goof off.  Because of this I got placed in low gold which was below the average player.  This was because the game would compare my match statistics to other players that were in my MMR the hidden skill rating the game gives you, usually when you do your first ten ranked matches the game uses an algorithm to detect which rank you should be placed in and since it has no idea in the placement games it places you in your MMR.  So I should have been playing against people my own MMR in my placement matches but rather I ended up playing with the top 5% of players.  Because of this my statistics for the game were significantly worse than the other in my game and other players that have my MMR going against equal opponents.

When I first got placed in low gold I was a little bummed because I did want to do good.  So I decided to make myself improve as much as I could, I would record matches and watch them over and watch some of the best players in the world and analyze what they did that was good and what they did that was bad.  But, when I was doing all this I enjoyed it, I was having fun so it didn’t seem like work.  Then after doing all these things to improve I would slowly climb in rank going from Gold to Platinum then to Diamond and then Masters.  All that happened over around a year, over a year I had climbed up and improved to where I had originally been destroyed in my first 10 matches ever.

Cut to present day and I’m much better at the game but it turned out to be a curse in disguise more than anything, people in higher skill ranks people are more rude or commonly known as toxic, and the games variety gets boiled down to everyone playing the same thing because it is more powerful than everything else and gives you a winning advantage.  If I had stayed in lower ranks it might had lead me to stay in a more casual experience.  Also the game sadly has deteriorated over time heroes have been added in that don’t seem balanced in one way or another.  Some heroes are too weak, some are too powerful, some are only viable at a certain skill rank and the list goes on.  I think one of the reasons why the game ends up with such poor hero design is not because the team working on it for the game isn’t talented it is because they are rushed they make and release a new hero every 4 months. Along making new heroes the team also has to work on the things already in the game like fixing bugs, changing already existing heroes whether it is changing a cool down for a hero’s attack or entirely changing everything about the hero other than the model.  Though I used to love the game I don’t think I will be playing it much in the future sadly.

Related image (All Overwatch Competitive Ranks, the numbers on the right is the Skill Rating number)

Why I dislike Brawl Stars

So usually I don’t cover mobile games but this new game Brawl Stars has been blowing up.  It is made my Super cell the same company who made two other extremely popular mobile games including Clash of Clans and Clash Royal.  Brawl Stars Super cell’s latest game is a top down shooter where you can unlock different heroes and play in a variety of game modes such as a battle royale and a 3v3 where players fight for gems that spawn in the middle of the map. By playing these game modes

Image result for brawl stars

Now for why I dislike Brawl Stars.  The most irritating thing is the trophy system, The entire system is based off of how much time you put into the game instead of how good you are at the game.  Which I think is kind of dumb if they are to add such a rating.  Earning trophies is extremely tedious as well where each game seems to only reward you up to 6 and losses take around 2.  Now there seems to be extra trophies awarded for being MVP which allows you to get up too 6 trophies on the winning side and lose 0 on the losing side either way. This slow progress is even more punishing and tedious because many heroes and game modes are unplayable till you hit a certain trophy count.  So you have to play the same boring game modes until you eventually unlock another one.  I think you should have access to all of them once you start playing the game.  If they made it so there was  a casual and competitive playlist that would be much better, that way the casual one could be based of time spent in the playlist  because losing would not make you lose trophies and you would have all game modes unlocked.  While in the competitive playlist which would have it’s own trophies along with it would reward you based on the current trophy system. I understand why certain heroes and other rewards can be locked behind trophy count because it makes the player want to grind and it makes the game feel more rewarding but I don’t think this should also be applied to game modes.  Now one of the things that I was afraid of  immediately once learning the base of the game is that it might be a pay to win type game where one can use real money to buy heroes that are just unreasonably more powerful than others,  and though that is does apply a little bit it isn’t as much as I though most characters seems well balanced and each one even the beginner characters can be played against the rarer characters.

First Time Playing Subnautica

As of this post I have about 5 hours on Subnautica.  Around 2 hours in Survival and 3 hours in Creative.  If you want to check it out for yourself the game it is free till the end of the month on the Epic Games Launcher, the same place you go to play Fortnite on PC.

Initial Thoughts

First off Subnautica is a survival game where you are the sole survivor of a spaceship crash onto a planet that is entirely water. When starting off it was pretty straightforward, it provided you with some food and water and your escape pod for shelter.  The beginning was pretty slow because you have just get some basic materials.  But, after the slow start the game really picks up there are so many biomes, shipwrecks, destroyed escape pods to explore and from these new areas your character learns how to create new vehicles and how to make bases and so many really cool things.  After playing a little bit in Survival I decided to jump into Creative to see as much of the game as I could.  I proceeded to create the vehicles and tried making a base of my own and it really surpassed my expectations.  The vehicles I played with and thought were really fun was the robotic suit that lets you go around in the depths while having a sense of security, the little underwater submarine which made going around to gather materials millions of times easier, and my personal favorite the full fledged submarine which allows you to go to depths that I didn’t even know existed and the whole submarine is accessible and allows storage for the robot suit or mini-sub and when using it felt like a mobile home.

Image result for Subnautica

Destiny 2: Black Armoury

Black Armoury Overview

On Tuesday, December 4th Destiny released a new type of DLC content called the Annual Pass.  The Annual Pass allows players to unlock exclusive content on top of the new content provided each season.  But, the content provided through the Annual Pass is time restricted in that each weekly reset on tuesday players will be slowly given more and more content from this seasons Annual Pass dlc.  The Annual Pass dlc for the new Season called the Season of the Forged is the Black Armoury.  From what is known after the first week of it’s release the Black Armoury explores a hidden golden age weapon founder that are no longer able to create their wares because of the events that happened in Destiny 2’s base campaign.  So to help them we as players must find the Black Armouries hidden forges and reignite their flames so the Black Armoury can be back in business.

First Forge Released (Volundr Forge)

My Experience (so far)

One of the biggest community complaints is that the new forge activities were at the level of 650. Previous to the launch of the new season and Black Armoury the level max was 600, so the day of launch many players were not able to experience the main part of initial release because they were to low level to be a threat to the enemies in the forges.  Personally I did find it a bit frustrating when I first hopped on.  But, it actually makes sense, Bungie the developers of Destiny said the Annual Pass would provide new endgame content because according to the Destiny community there should be more.  And for players to get on expecting to be able to instantly tackle the new “end game content” is bizarre.  Endgame Activities in Destiny are never something an average player can just hop into expecting to complete.  I think it is fine as well considering that each week we will be getting a certain amount of content to experience so there is no need to rush it and complete it all in one day and I think that something the Destiny community does that harms itself is that to be a good player you need to almost speedrun new content completing it as fast as possible which ruins the fun to an extent and hopefully with the time gated content releases on weekly resets will fix that.

My Top 5 Favorite Games/ Game Franchises

This list was made in no particular order and I by no means am saying that these are the best Games/ Game Franchises these are just some games that I personally enjoyed and currently enjoy a lot.

Assassin’s Creed Franchise:

Assassins Creed 2 was one of the first games I really loved. I spent countless hours playing the game whether it was doing main missions, side missions, or just exploring the world and messing around. My love for the game would make me interested in the rest of the franchise and even more than that the lore of all the games. I would always go on youtube and see the story of each game and how it would tie into the story of the franchise.

Image result for assassins creed logo



Skyrim was also one of the first games I loved, playing it around the same time as I did the Assassins Creed 2. Skyrim has number 3 in having the highest playtime I have on any of the games i’ve ever played. I spent around 600+ hours in the game of Skyrim exploring the massive world and completing every small bit of the game that I could until I beat 100% of the game and then making a new save and doing it all over except on a harder difficulty.

Image result for skyrim

Destiny Franchise:

I first discovered Destiny though recommendations from friends and I tried it because it was also made by Bungie the creators of the Halo franchise another game franchise I love Destiny 1 was the first online game I had ever played with friends. This made it so much more fun than anything I had played before. I already loved the game by itself but playing with friends enhanced that experience times 10. One of my favorite memories of all time was playing the Kings Fall raid for the first time with friends as they babied me through it for 9 hours. This love from Destiny 1 enticed me to play Destiny 2 a fresh and revamped version to the old game that had been updated for 4 years till Bungie realized it would be a good idea to announce Destiny 2. So far Destiny 2 has been one of my go to games and I love playing with all of the friends i’ve made through the game. Over Destiny 1 and 2 I have spent over 1400 hours in the world of Destiny even though it is technically 2 games I count the playtime together making the Destiny franchise have the most playtime i’ve ever had in a game.

Related image


Overwatch was my first pc game around 4 years ago.  I really wanted to play it ever since I heard about it before it was released and it was in its beta stage.  I loved the concept of a shooter where there a multiple characters and each one does something totally different. Also just like Destiny it was a multiplayer game so playing it with freinds made it that much more fun.  After 4 years I still play Overwatch even though it isn’t as fun as it used to be for me it is still better than Fortnite and it is one of my go to games today.

Image result for overwatch logo

Halo Franchise:

Halo Reach was my first shooter game and I was immediately hooked. Although I never really played the multiplayer aspect of Halo Reach I still really enjoyed the campaign an other single player modes. In later on Halo games I would begin playing online more and I would play custom games created by the Halo community which made me love the game franchise even more. Even though I don’t play the newer Halo games for 2 reasons one of them is that I don’t have a xbox 1 another being I don’t enjoy them as much as I used to, but the old halos I used to play as a kid are great classics for me.

Image result for halo  logo

Destiny 2 – Festival of the Lost Review

I know this is a bit delayed because I missed a couple days either way this is my review of the festival of the lost in Destiny 2. Festival of the lost is the annual halloween event for the Destiny franchise. Sadly last year Destiny 2 did not get it’s Festival of the Lost because the game release date was around the same time that the Festival of the Lost would occur. Which means this is the first Festival of the Lost in Destiny 2 and it is came with some new in game rewards and content so lets hop right in.

The New Content

This years festival of the lost brought the return of the iconic mask which let you play as the in game npc (Non Player Characters). Some of the notable few include master rahool the ultimate meme master of the destiny franchise, the man who can crush your loot dreams when you hope to get a new piece of gear but end up getting your 16th grenade launcher that day and the colonel the late hunter vanguard Cayde-6’s beloved pet chicken just to name a few.  Along with the basic weapon and armour shaders, emotes, and emblems. The big piece of this event is the Haunted Forest a new 3 player pve experience where players explore randomly generated areas and kill enemies to build progress towards a boss fight and players repeat this progress as many times as possible before the timer of 15 minutes is over. Every time the boss is killed the level of enemies gets higher making each wave harder and harder. Each wave completed at the end of the 15 minutes grants a fragmented soul. Fragmented souls can be used to buy the event shaders, emblems, masks, and the pinnacle event reward.

Pinnacle Reward and Fragmented Souls

The new horror story auto rifle is a new and revamped version of one of the original and beloved Destiny 2 weapons the origin story. The horror story is a top tier weapon with a set assortment of top tier perks including rampage which increases damage every time the player gets a kill stacking 3 time increasing overall damage up to 65% the other perk is zen moment which increases weapons stability when damage is dealt with the weapon. It also comes with a fully masterworked reload perk which is amazing in the current state of the game since the average player doesn’t have the materials necessary to manually masterwork a weapon fully.  Overall the Horror Story is a beast

See the source image

Overall experience

Overall this years festival of the lost was a step in the right direction for Destiny 2 events but it is not where it should be. Destiny 2 events should have more longevity and replayable content. In this years festival of the lost the new game mode was extremely repetitive and it wasn’t all that fun after the first few games. Also the event provided good loot to grind for so there was a lot to grind for in the game, but the second the event was over all of the things everyone was grinding for was gone and Destiny 2 went back to being bland. If there was a way to be able to start to grind for something and then work towards it as you please that would make the game a more pleasnt experience overall. I also understand that Bungie the creators of Destiny 2 want event items to be exclusive and difficult to get but this also leads to players burning out on the game. So even though the game because very fun and grindy during an event the it makes the overall experience of Destiny worse afterwards and Bungie should try to find a way to carry the excitement of an event to Destiny 2 when there are no special events going on.