(I would put a pic of someone using hacks but it has guns and stuff that are kinda realistic so enjoy this sponge bob pic instead)
So I don’t really play a lot of Counter Strike: Global Offensive and when I do I just meme around and i’m no expert. My competitive rank is Gold Nova 4 in CS:GO so pretty average. But, I know ever since CS:GO went free there has been a spike in cheaters and the community is not all too happy about. Now I understand why CS:GO went free to play and added a battle royale cause they were trying to get more new players by riding the wave of battle royales. Even though CS:GO has a very loyal community and is still has one of the biggest Esports scenes it doesn’t get many new players, it’s pretty obvious. But they should have realized that with making the game free people were just gonna cheat so much more, because people would just make new steam accounts and play the game and if they get banned just make a new one. They tried to counteract this by implementing a Prime System in which you only play with other people that also have Prime. To get prime you have to either achieve a certain level (which my main account is barely past), have bought the game previously, or buy Prime. But again this isn’t the smartest thing cause the whole point of this is too get a new generation and a new audience to try CS:GO but when they decide to try it out cause it’s free and they play a game for the first time and everyone is cheating that kind of deters them from playing anymore and ruins the point, and even if they like the game they pretty much still have to spend money to play because playing without Prime the game is even worse. It’s like their whole point was to get more people but all the new people are being scared away by hackers. I had played against a few hackers before just because unless you are kind of new and a bit of a dummy you probably won’t get banned for hacking in CS:GO even if you are cheating with a prime account cause most people won’t think you aren’t hacking if it isn’t blatant because of the false sense of security prime gives. I never thought it was that bad because well in my experience most hackers wouldn’t be using everything they can and if they did everything as scaled down so they don’t get banned.
So a while back I wanted to see what the game would be like to new players so I made a new steam account got some hacks from a forum website for hackers and got some fairly new and not as public hacks so I knew it wouldn’t be detected by the in game hack detection system called VAC (which is practically useless). I only used wall hacks just to see if anyone else was cheating but turns out I didn’t even need that is was so obvious who was hacking. Most of the games just ended up being a coin toss between which team had higher quality hacks and who had more hackers. The thing that was most annoying is something that I’ve been told is called spinbotting which I had never personally experienced before this. It is where you set your aimbot to its max and increase the range of its detection and then put your sensitivity up and just run around jumping in circles trying to make it impossible to hit you while also instantly killing anyone the second they peek to shoot. I had never experienced anything close to this because for one in kill cams it is very easy to see who has hacks if their aimbot is too sensitive because the cross hair will move irregularly also people who have aimbots usually make it so the aimbot can only detect enemies on their crosshair not their entire screen because if multiple people come at you may try to shoot one person but your aimbot won’t kill them and move to another person instead, also the spinning is very obvious and would get you banned very quick in a Prime match. However in a game with people that only have free accounts the game doesn’t care, I’ve seen people that use hacks that give a link to the website to download the hacks they have every time they get a kill or die and they don’t get banned.
Pretty much the hackers make the game unplayable if you don’t have Prime and even with Prime its still likely you will encounter someone who at least has wall hacks every game or two. I understand where the team behind CS:GO were thinking with this idea to make it free, add battle royale, and make a prime system. But, I think it was poorly executed and they should have spent more time refining it because no it is going to be very difficult if they want to fix the current state of the game.
Great Post!
Lol u just admitted to using hacks
Yeah but research purposes only have deleted them off my computer since then
i dont think you play csgo enough to make a valid claim about how many hackers there are as im prime and theres barely any cheaters especially in competetive. Being free to play only encourages new players to try the game instead of havnig to pay for it and not enjoy it.
Vac is still a joke tho lol
Yeah idk I played around 100 hundred hours around the month after it went free. Pretty much each game has someone using wallhacks or the thing that makes flashbangs not effect them even if they don’t have some type of aim correction on or sticky aim
Wow this is great
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