March 3

Early Mornings

It’s early on a Saturday morning. Quiet surrounds me. Darkness too, except for the glare of my laptop screen. Beginning a day with quiet and dark is perfect. There’s peace in the moment. Solitude gives me permission to relax. I can be me…no one else to please, nothing to check off on a to-do list, no demands being made.

I never understood the snooze button. (I mean no judgment to those who successfully navigate the snooze button!) An alarm is a necessity…yes, but what purpose does the snooze button serve? If I want to sleep for ten more minutes, I’ll set my alarm for ten minutes later. The snooze button is something I never use. It seems like that’s admitting that I’m dreading this new day and that doesn’t seem like the best way to begin. I prefer to begin with hope for a better day. 

I think that’s why I love the morning time. It signifies hope and a new beginning. It’s fresh and new with no mistakes. Tranquil and serene. There’s also an expected routine in the morning. Brush your teeth. Walk the dog. Cheerios and milk. Peppermint coffee in my favorite mug. Writing in my notebook by a flickering candle.  

As this Saturday dawns before me, I go about my routine (with the addition of writing a blog post) basking in the quiet and finding comfort in my routine. I’ll watch the sunrise as I walk my dog, enjoy the taste of my coffee, and capture my thoughts on the pages of my notebook. It’s how I like to begin my day.

March 2

Who Am I?

I rediscovered the bio poem over yesterday and decided to share my own version today. Here goes…

Auntie, teacher, writer, friend
Grateful, sassy, and positive
Wishes to change the world with love and laughter.
Dreams of living on the shores of the Outer Banks.
Wants to create a community of passionate middle school writers.
Who wonders what surprises the future holds.
Who is afraid of bats and birds and things that fly.
Who believes that writing untangles life, and silence is where we can truly hear, and laughter is good for the soul.
Who loves being an auntie and Godmother to Jack, Jillian, and Josie.
Who plans to write a book and show gratitude every single day.

March 1

Making the World a Better Place

The world can be a scary place. I’ve been thinking about what I can do to make the world a better place. How will I make things better?

I love the quote, “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” Malala Yousafzai. As I pondered those words, an idea formed. Letters. Cards. Mail.

I started eleven days ago (that’s an important number). Eleven days ago I started writing a card and mailing it out…every single day. Quietly. I mailed cards to my mom and my sister. I mailed cards to a high school friend and a former roommate. I’m keeping a list.

As I go through the day, I find myself looking for potential recipients. It’s already changed me. As for the people who’ve received the mail, something has already happened…these people have contacted me saying thank you.

It seems that we all need some love. We need to be reminded that we aren’t alone. These notes are making a tiny difference in the world of those I love.  I believe in the ripple effect…Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

Love. It will change the world. It’s the only thing that ever has. Mail a card today. Jot a note on a sticky for someone. Change the world.

Happy Slicing Challenge! I’m here for my fifth year and I can’t wait to see what happens.

*Today is an important day for me. Eleven years ago my dad died. I didn’t plan on writing about this letter challenge that I created for myself and started ELEVEN days ago. A coincidence like this isn’t just a coincidence to me…it’s Dad sending me some love. Miss you and love you, Dad!*

February 27


It’s coming.
The challenge…
Thirty-one days of blogging.
It’s almost here.
Plans are being made.
Students preparing.
Ideas formulating.
Blogs warming up.

Excited. Worried.
Will I be able to do it?
Will I fail?
What if I can’t?

Want to know the secret
to succeeding?
Show up.
Every day.
Just show up.

Slice of Life Challenge
My fifth year…
here it comes.
I’m ready.

Who’s with me?

February 13

Taking Attendance

I never used to take attendance in class. Wait, that’s not true. I never used to call out names and wait for “here”. Never. Ever! It felt like a waste of precious time, so I skipped it. I’d check visually and move on to beginning class…until this year.

Opening a new school, I promised myself that I’d make changes, grow, and try new things. Flexible seating was something I’m trying this year (and loving, by the way), but with flexible seating came a new problem. I couldn’t do a quick visual check to see who’s here and who’s absent because they are changing seats every day. Attendance. UGH! 

Then I thought, how can I make attendance valuable time in class? The Attendance Question was born! I am not the creator of this idea, but I must say I’m LOVING the daily attendance question. Why? First, it gives me the opportunity to learn names because I’m saying each name, every single class. Second, an unexpected bonus is that it builds community. We all answer the same question (and if you are in my classroom, you are expected to answer it too). The question often sparks some debate or discussion amongst students. Finally, it’s an additional idea for our notebook journey that begins our instructional time together. I’ve seen many notebook entries that have been inspired by our attendance question. 

My favorite part of this process is the unexpected answers that I get from my sixth-graders. I’m learning that I make assumptions about my students because I’m often surprised at the creativity and thoughtfulness of their answers to a simple question. Here’s an example, last week our question was “If you could go anywhere, where would you like to go?” It was a student submitted question. As I was typing it into the slideshow, I felt disappointed because I thought it would be a round of the beach and Disney. Nope. Some of the answers included: my grandma’s house, home, the stone age (hahaha), and even heaven.

The conversations that were shared…the memories, the inspiration for writing. Attendance. It’s become a favorite way to begin our time together. 

These students are thoughtful and creative and brave to reveal these answers. Yesterday’s question instigated some arguments…chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter.

Here’s our question for today, what would your answer be? 


January 30

Fresh Start

Today marks the beginning of a new quarter…a new semester. Beginnings feel fresh and new-filled with possibilities. There’s an energy around beginnings that’s palpable and motivating. I wonder why.

The school year can be a long haul. There are days when things feel stressful and I get overwhelmed, but this moment means that I get to look back and reflect on all we’ve accomplished. I also turn my eyes forward and see what else there is left to do. 

We have made it to the halfway mark of the opening of a new school. It’s been hard, and rewarding, and fun, and frustrating…through all of it, I’ve grown and learned so much about myself as an educator and a teammate. I wouldn’t trade one single moment, even the stressful ones. 

Today I go to school and it feels like a brand new blank sheet of paper. Where we will go from here? What can we accomplish now? I’m ready to go!