If you are new to reading my blog, you may not know about my passion for my notebooks. I’ve been writing in notebooks for more than thirty years and I have all of them. Currently, I’m writing in notebook number seventy-five. I started this notebook on January 1, 2018. It’s served me well these past few months.
I name my notebooks. This name is my One Little Word for 2018, MOXIE. My 74th notebook was much smaller and the pages had lines.

I’m usually against lines, but I loved the size of the notebook, so I tried it. When I finished and moved onto this next notebook, I hadn’t realized how constraining those lines and the small size had been for me.

I turned to a larger notebook with a spiral at the top. This was another unusual choice for me, but I needed it to follow the last notebook. In this notebook, What’s next?
I don’t know.
Starting a new notebook is both exciting and worrisome. I worry that I won’t pick just the right one. I am sad that my last notebook is almost full and it won’t accompany me everywhere. Instead, it will find a home in my bookcase of notebooks. It feels like a friend that’s moving away.

I’m preparing. Thinking about which notebook will be next. Filling these last pages with words and doodles and love. Once I come to the final page, a new journey will begin.