January 30

Fresh Start

Today marks the beginning of a new quarter…a new semester. Beginnings feel fresh and new-filled with possibilities. There’s an energy around beginnings that’s palpable and motivating. I wonder why.

The school year can be a long haul. There are days when things feel stressful and I get overwhelmed, but this moment means that I get to look back and reflect on all we’ve accomplished. I also turn my eyes forward and see what else there is left to do. 

We have made it to the halfway mark of the opening of a new school. It’s been hard, and rewarding, and fun, and frustrating…through all of it, I’ve grown and learned so much about myself as an educator and a teammate. I wouldn’t trade one single moment, even the stressful ones. 

Today I go to school and it feels like a brand new blank sheet of paper. Where we will go from here? What can we accomplish now? I’m ready to go!