I’m Grateful Today
I’m grateful. Today I’m grateful. For what? Well, I’m glad you asked…
Grateful for (in no particular order)…
1. achieving goals I’ve set for myself
2. friends who love & support me
3. writing, writing, writing
4. being an auntie & a Godmother
5. my family
6. memories of those who are no longer here
7. laughter
8. creativity
9. my voice
10. strong, resilient, brilliant students
11. a school community where I feel valued
12. being a teacher
13. books
14. twinkle lights
15. pens
16. notebooks
17. learning new things
18. grace
19. Bella, my sweet dog
20. mail
21. Oreos
22. the lunch gang
And so much more. Sometimes, in the middle of a busy, messy, stressed life it’s important to reflect and be grateful. I’m grateful for this blog and all of my readers.