Mental Health and Technology

Does our use of a smartphone boost or lower our self-esteem? Has our smartphone usage interfered with or affected your personal relationships? Do physical or real life problems arise from our use of technology? Are all consequences of technology negative or is there a line that must be crossed first? What are some of the basic tools on our phones that we cannot live without and which of them hurt us in the long run?

2 thoughts on “Mental Health and Technology”

  1. “Are all consequences of technology negative or is there a line that must be crossed first?” I really like how you asked this question in your post as it really helps to set the tone of the passage in a way that it highlights the fact that there isn’t a hard answer to this question but rather many different viewpoints on the use and application of technology and its benefits in the real world.

  2. I enjoy the format of asking readers questions and making the reader think rather than just stating the obvious. The questions are rather simple yet they can cause readers to really dive deep and think hard about how much technology affects us. Personally, I do think that technology has a negative effect but it is not something that should be life changing for a person.

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