Lime Journal #1

The lime has yet to rot despite being inside my backpack for days. The skin of the line is very hard and durable, possibly the reasons why it has lasted this long. I think to myself, maybe the store used a lot preservatives to make sure their fruits and vegetables last long. Besides the longevity of the lime, I also began to observe the shifting colors and characteristics of the line. From the solid green to the highlight yellow. The lines and ridges of the lime have became more visibly and the shape of the lime has shrunk significantly. All I begun to think about as I finish writing my journal is all the possibly thinks you can do with lime. From lime-ade to key lime pie, it has possibilities in most genres of dishes. Also, at first there was a small bond between me and lime as I described it in great detail. However during later journaling sessions, I have run out of things to describe or relate the lime to. I think it’s time I put the lime back in the fridge.

5 thoughts on “Lime Journal #1”

  1. I love the description words that you used. I can almost see you looking at the lime and analyzing it. You had a good use of observation words and you properly connected these to the general idea.

  2. I like how you observed the texture of the lime like when you pointed out its ridges. Your observations are very detailed and help me to picture a lime changing size and color over time.

  3. I find it interesting how you deeply analyzed your lime and didn’t just think of it as a random fruit. You sound you have a specialized bond with your lime and the possibilities are endless. I also think its cool how lime can be used in various things relating to cooking and saw how underrated limes truly are!

  4. Ekoue, at first you didn’t think the lime had changed, but later you observed “the shifting colors and characteristics of the lime. From the solid green to the highlight yellow. The lines and ridges of the lime have became more visibly and the shape of the lime has shrunk significantly.” That’s a lot of good specificity.

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