100 Word Challenge 2/24
I walked into the bedroom to find my little sister yelling at my older brother. “But where did it go?” she shouted.
“I don’t know!” he replied, annoyed. “Can you leave? I’m in class!”
“Hey,” I said, playing peacemaker as always. “What happened?”
“Josh stole my stuffed penguin!”
“No, I didn’t!”
Sensing that trying to talk it out wouldn’t work, I turned around and headed for Kate’s room. It was messy. No wonder she couldn’t find her toy. After searching for a while, I found it under a sweatshirt, and once again, all was peaceful in the Miller household.
It’s as if you transported us into Anyhouse, USA! Someone is always looking for something in our house–a wallet, a backpack, a jacket, keys. I remember once when Shelby was a toddler and forgot her Cabbage Patch doll on a trip to SC, we rushed into Wal-Mart along the route to find a replacement. She loved on that substitute doll for all of one week. The minute we were back home, and she found her misplaced original, the replacement wasn’t picked up again. 🙂
Thanks for letting me make that silly connection!
Keep on writing!
Mrs. Rombach