March 22

“Vanity” by Aascharya Srinivasan

“Vanity, are you ready? We’re going to be late!”

“Hold on, I wanna check my hair,” I say, walking to the bathroom. The mirror in this bathroom has a dim light above it because it needs a new bulb, which I was supposed to fix but haven’t yet. It isn’t ideal because it makes me look a little yellow. The upstairs bathroom, the one painted blue, has a cooler, much brighter light, since there are three hanging above the mirror. But that one makes me look paler. My favorite mirror in the house is the tall one that’s placed in the corner of my bedroom. It shows off my figure nicely. The lamp placed next to it gives off a nice glow, and its light bounces off my eyes and makes them sparkly when I look at myself.

But since I’m only checking my hair, I stay in the downstairs bathroom. Cara, my roommate, did my hair for tonight’s party. She’s waved it and put product in it to make it bounce. As I look at myself, I notice how the front frames my face perfectly. I shake my head to see it bounce and then smile, showing off my perfect teeth and my deep dimples that Cara told me are very pretty. I marvel at my reflection for a moment before I hear my name.

“Vanity! I swear to God I’m going to leave you.”

“Alright, alright, I’m coming!” I yell back and make my way to the front door of our apartment. Cara’s waiting for me with a bored expression.


The taxi halts, after coming out, I wait for Cara, who pays the driver. Though the house was on the sixth floor of the apartment building, music streamed through open windows and was heard from below. I look up and my eyes catch sight of the setting sun reflecting off the Empire State Building far away. Cara often says how beautiful it looks during this time of day, which angers me, because how can a building be beautiful? Walking up to the doors, I stop to check my makeup in the sideview mirror of a car parked in front.

“Are you kidding me?” Cara exclaimed as I finish and walk back to her. “You’re insane.”

Shrugging, I say, “I just want to look good.”

Cara shakes her head in exasperation.


It takes us five minutes to reach the apartment, and the entire time I was aching to see what I looked like. The humidity outside could have ruined my makeup and the burst of air conditioner while walking into the apartment building might have made my hair frizz up. The elevator ride was awful. My reflection contorted on the closing doors as if I was standing in front of a funhouse mirror, making me more nervous than I already am.

We reach the apartment and enter, the door left unlocked. Cara sees our friend, the birthday girl, in a crowd of dancing people. Making our way there, I spot a group of boys and lock eyes with one of them, but I feel like he’s looking at me strangely. I couldn’t be imagining this, there’s definitely something wrong with the way I look. We reach our friends and the first thing I ask for is the bathroom, not caring for formalities.


The loud music muffles as I shut the door. I look at the mirror and notice that the lighting in my bathroom is awful. It makes my under eyes look darker and my skin looks a little strange. I lean in closer to get a better look. My fingers pinch my cheekbones to let a little color in. They rub the dark circles to try and even out the concealer I applied earlier. I pinch and pull and pick at every little imperfection my eyes find. Until I accidentally poke myself in the eyes. My head jerks from the impact, rubbing my eyes and warily opening them again, black and white dots appear in my vision, but as it clears I notice I’m no longer in the bathroom. I’m in a dark room, facing the bathroom, across from where I just stood. Hands outstretched, I reach into the bathroom, but my palms are hit with the feeling of glass. I hear a knock, presumably from the door in the bathroom, but it sounded far away, and echoed around me. As the door opens, I see Cara walk in with a confused expression, but then turn to the mirror.

“Cara! Oh thank goodness!” Though she’s looking in my direction, I feel as though she’s looking past me. She reaches into her purse for a hair clip, tying her blonde locks back. I knock on the glass, “Cara! Cara, help! Please! Cara!” My heart drops. There’s no way this is possible. Am I in the mirror? I slam my hands again and again, soon turning into fists, until one final blow shatters the glass. The shards shatter on the ground as I drop to my knees, tears streaming. My reflection is seen in the broken pieces, crooked and twisted into a horrific image.

March 22

“ バランス – Baransu” by Chris Mejia

“ バランス – Baransu” by Chris Mejia (acrylic Apple Barrel paints, pencil, sharpie markers)

Chris says about his pieces this year, “All of these pieces were created before quarantine, or even Covid, was a thing; but they got their real meaning after experiencing these dramatic changes in our lives.”

Inspiration: Baransu, or balance in English, was inspired because of a really troubling time during my life. There was too much going on between personal problems, school, and mental health. There was basically a big mess in my head and I didn’t know how to sort it out. The true meaning of this piece came during quarantine. The world was going into total chaos, the country fell into a big schism, and life got even messier than I could’ve thought. The painting shows two Koi fish, which are native to China but are more often associated with Japan, circling around each other in total balance. Koi fish are usually used to represent just that, the balance of the world, the Yin and Yang. So I named it “Balance” in Japanese, “Baransu”. I would see the painting as a form of manifestation, that soon the world would find balance and peace.

Fun fact: This painting was used for Mrs. Urban’s second-semester biology book cover, with some minor changes to accommodate it to be related to biology class. But since covid hit, there wasn’t much time for us to use them.

Category: art | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 22

The Symphony by Nic Macchiarolo

The Piano tells a sad story,

A story of loneliness,

Notes that fade like snow on a sunny day;

But then something happens,

Like a beast being awoken from its sleep.

Slowly like an old van, the tempo accelerates,

The bassline sneaks in like a spider;

Suddenly the electric guitar wails, bending the notes as easily as a superhero bending metal,

The drummer driving the tune like a coachman trying to control his wild mustangs,

The thunderous beat pounding like the mustangs hooves.

Category: poetry | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 22

Identical by Kayla Spratt

Identical by Kayla Spratt (markers and colored pencil)

Meaning: I personally like art that has more than one meaning, or no meaning at all. I like looking at a piece of art and trying to figure out what it means sometimes. So many different people can have so many different observations about one picture, it’s fascinating to hear people’s thoughts! For this one in particular, it’s only meaning can be perceived by the person observing it.

Inspiration:  My goal here is to let everyone share their opinion on what it could mean, I would want the viewer to think outside the box!

Category: art | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 22

Sultan of the Skies by Nic Macchiarolo

A silent assassin,

Savagely slinking,

Cloaked in darkness,

Invisible to the eye,

Eyes on the prize,

An angel of death, watching from the heavens,

Born to rule, with centuries of training,

Wise beyond years,

The sultan of the skies,

A domain of lawlessness, but a fair ruler,

Quick like lightning, moving majestically,

Eyes like embers, burning through the cold night.


It returns to its castle, for it has caught its prize

A castle high on a hill,

Where earth scrapes the sky,

An unreachable fortress, an impenetrable keep,

Where its hiers silently sleep,

Patiently waiting for their guardians return,

The sun begins to rise, as the owl settles down in its throne.

Category: poetry | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 22

4 a.m. by Valerie Egger

Something is awake.

Light goes on.


Fumble for glasses.

A troubled child, clanking two toy trucks.

“Bad dream,” he mumbles.

Dreams are new to him.

They have happened twice this week.

He whimpers, “Scary.”

“What did you dream?” I ask,

Peering into his teary blue eyes.

“Monster truck. Crush me.”

The tears start again.

We all feel that way these days, I want to say,

Crushed, scared;

But instead I cuddle him in a lie,

A dinosaur blanket—peace, love, warmth—saying,

“You are safe.”

Category: poetry | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 22

“Yesterday, I Remembered…” by Aascharya Srinivasan

Yesterday, I remembered, when we giggled all night,

Underneath the blankets in dim candlelight.

Today, I would give anything to hear,

Your secrets and stories you had told without fear.


Yesterday, I remembered when you had climbed that tree.

I was too scared to do it, but you had said, “Just watch me!”

Today, that same tree is about to fall down,

Taking you with it as it hits the ground.


Yesterday, I remembered, sharing an ice cream with you.

You had wanted one that’s color was a bright blue,

Today, I had eaten the same ice cream at the same store,

But it didn’t taste as sweet as it did before.


Yesterday, I remembered, us finding a soft place to lie,

You had shown me the stars that slept in the sky.

Today, I look up to try to find the same stars,

And wish I had captured them in little glass jars.

Category: poetry | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 22

“Together” by Bella Sierra

“Together” (photography) by Bella Sierra

Inspiration: I love artificial light photography, you can use color lights you wouldn’t get outside.

Meaning: When I see this piece I feel it is like the models are looking forward into the unknown and their future and it is shown by the bright colorful lights reflecting back on them.

Category: art | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 22

“Sisters” by Aascharya Srinivasan

Two girls fly together on a swing,

Laughter echoing through the trees;

Moments like these leave them thinking

That they are the only two people in the world.

Jazz music tumbles out of open windows

And surrounds their little world,

Like a golden cage around a wren,

To protect the sweet song it sings.

But the cage has been broken,

And the wren has gotten lost;

Only one girl sits on the swing now,

Somber and lonely,

Swinging back and forth slowly.

Empty promises of letters and calls still fresh in her mind.

No music is heard because the windows are shut,

The ghost of laughter still echoing through the trees.

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