I, like, love summer,
Like, when the sun doesn’t set till like, 9, like, what?
And like, I walk through the park like, ten times a day, like too many times, like, it’s a lot,
And like, it’s funny cause, like,
You used to, like, walk with me,
Like, all day and we would, like, sleep at my house, and like, do the same thing the next, like, Day or like, whenever, whatever,
And like, it’s weird cause, like, now you’re not here, and like,
You never told me, like, why?
Like, what did I do?
Like, was it too much?
Was it like, too many, like, laps around the same park?
Was I, like, snoring in my sleep?
Cause like, you could have, like, told me, you know like, I could’ve, like, handled it, like, you just, Like, left, and now, like, I’m here and, like, I don’t, like, know what happened, and like, I see you, Like, everywhere,
Like between the leaves of the park trees, when like, the sun, like, shines through them,
And like, in every school bathroom where we, like, use to meet,
And now like, I can’t even, like, boil water, without like thinking of you,
And like, my mom asks about you, like how are they, like where are they, like what happened, Like what did you do?
And like, I don’t know what to tell her, cause like, she like loved you, and I love you, and like,
I like,
I don’t know where you are,
And like,
I’m sorry for whatever I did,
And like,
I miss you,
And like
I just want to know you’re okay,
And like
I walk the same path,
And like
It’s not the same,
And like
I see black cats,
And like
I want to show you them,
And like
I don’t think I’ll ever tell you about them,
And like
I really miss you,
And like
Summer’s not here and
And neither are you,
And like,
Like I wish you told me why.