May 23

“Betrayal” by Karan Singh

The hands of the clock move faster than I can think.
The days pass away faster than I can blink.
The night leaves me every time the sun sets foot onto the Earth.
It seems as if everything I have come to love is running from me,
But when I try to chase my admirations,
My legs break into particles of dust,
And my tears soak
Into the ashes on the ground
Left behind from the world that my memories burned down.
As my legs continue to dissipate,
my knees hit the floor.
The wind blows my remaining memories
On the ground,
Into my eyes.
My pupils burn from the intake of dust.
The neurons in my head pound their hands against my scalp.
My eyebrows start to fall off,
And I am left to wonder
How every moment I have ever lived,
Every day I have survived,
Every smile I have ever given,
Every tear I have ever shed
Has led me to this moment.
I tried so hard,
So hard,
To keep it all together.
I did everything in my power to
Keep my world from falling apart.
I tore myself down
And changed my entire being to accommodate people’s words
Just to watch my life walk away from me.
I wished people well
And held the door for every person behind me.
I said thank you
And kept promises.
I made sure no secrets ever left my mouth,
And I protected my loved ones with my entire capacity
Just to have my life burned down in front of me.

I stare at the remains of what once was,
And I refuse to accept what my eyes are showing me.
I see you
Fleeing my memories
And tearing down my sanity.
I see you
Leaving me behind
For every tear that my eyes ever shed.
I see you
Walking away with
I cried to you about •

Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.

Posted May 23, 2024 by valerie.egger in category poetry

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