May 23

“Things You Just Left Behind” by Beck Jewell

A new pirate stood on the deck of a ship
With a seabird in her heart and a cutlass at her hip.
The crew came to hear her story on the deck of the ship
And asked, “Why are you with us? Why make that flip?”

She spread out her arms to the sky and the sea.
“I heard of this life, and knew it was for me.”

The captain laughed gruffly, for he’d heard this before;
After all, he’d once been a man of the shore,
Who spread out his arms to the sky and the sea,
For he’d yearned for his life to be wild and free.

This young pirate was big, and her old life was small.
“Being normal is dull; I was bored of it all!”

The captain considered the reason she came:
She was hunting adventure, and something untame.
“This life works for some, if you don’t change your mind.
There are things you might miss, things you just left behind.”

She raised up her new sword: “So I swear by my blade,
I won’t regret making this life I have made!”

She was meant for the sea, right down to her core,
And she’d sail the great exploits the waves held in store;
It seemed that only the captain couldn’t help but long for
The things that he missed, that he left on the shore. •

Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.

Posted May 23, 2024 by valerie.egger in category poetry

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