March 22

“Solitude” by Chris Mejia

“Solitude” by Chris Mejia (acrylic Apple Barrel paints and sharpie markers)

Inspiration: “Solitude” was inspired after a mixture of emotions, that I wasn’t able to sort out, led me to believe I had no one with me to help me out. To be honest it had no meaning first. After our lives changed due to Covid, it finally had meaning. I realized that as scary as solitude (being alone) can be, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Spending time by myself helped me to work on myself, it gave me time to think and reflect on my values and beliefs. In the painting, you can see a whale all by itself, and even if the ocean can be a scary place, the sight of a whale jumping gracefully out of the water is beautiful. Solitude can be a beautiful thing too.

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Posted March 22, 2021 by valerie.egger in category art

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