This past weekend I went out to ‘authentic’ and ‘non white’ Indian food with ANUSHA! (check out her blog it is very nice). I’ve wanted to try different vegetarian foods recently to see if I could actually have the will power to commit to being vegetarian, and going out to eat with my friend was a great opportunity to try.
The restaurant was buffet style, so I served myself just got everything Anusha got. First we got things like naan and different sauces to dip it in as well as cooked vegetables, lentils, and chickpeas to put in between the naan. I really liked this so I got it again. Then Anusha showed me this thing called pani puri, which were like little hollow crispy balls that you poke a hole into and then you put chickpeas and spicy sauce in it. These were cute and fun to make. I found out I like interactive food.
For desert we had a fruit custard with syrup soaked fried dough type things. This was my favorite part, the desert was so good.
Overall the food was great and in the future I may actually try to be vegetarian. I want to go to this restaurant again too.