Over spring break I went to Hawaii with my family. Here’s some of the new things I did while I was there.
I fell off a rock and into the ocean. I was climbing on a lava rock with my brother and I followed this crab and then slipped and fell. I got a lot of scrapes on my hands and legs but it could have been a LOT worse. I would recommend always staying on the dry side of a rock. Keep away from anything that looks slippery.
The rock my brother is standing on is the one I fell off of, I fell on the back side that you can’t see in the picture.
Saw lots of sea turtles. While I was snorkeling I came across a turtle every few minutes, and it was so nice to get to swim around them.
I also saw a rainbow eucalyptus tree. The tree is rainbow because the bark on the tree peels in different parts of the tree at different times. When the bark peels it reveals a green layer, and overtime this layer changes color creating a rainbow look on the tree.
Tried lots of new food. My favorites were papaya, macadamia banana french toast, I forgot the name of it but its pretty much sushi but instead of raw fish its spam, and raw coconut.
I touched an octopus. I saw an octopus twice while snorkeling, and after the first time I talked to one of the locals about it. He told me that I should just try to grab the octopus, cause that’s how he catches them so he can eat it later. Of course I wasn’t gonna try to grab it, but the conversation did help me realize that I could touch them without being hurt. So the next time I saw an octopus while snorkeling I pet it. The octopus would change color and texture in like a second, and it went from being white and ridged to purple and smooth really quickly. It felt exactly like you’d expect, and unsurprisingly I scared it and it swam away and spewed out ink. After that I felt really bad for bothering it, but it was still one of the coolest experiences of my life.
This is the kind of octopus I saw. It’s called a Hawaiian Day Octopus.
I did a lot other things in Hawaii that were not really new but they were still really amazing, so I’ll include some pictures in another post when I can (right now lcps blogs isn’t really letting me upload any more pictures).